first: so in the first season we see taehyuk longing for the chart of his past self he's constantly in his childhood looking for things that are related to hyo un, at first i thought he was just feeling left of his current life but its wasn't that he was always looking for black hair people or a puppy the nickname he gave hyo un when he was little he was yearning so bad.
second thing: i couldnt bring my self to hate his obsessive brother, after re reading i came to understand that him and hyo-un are quite similar, hyo-un its also obsessive with taeh yuk, in fact theres some parallelism in them i believe teahyuk its a caring soul but also he finds himself again helping a child after other people abuse them, theres of course a difference between them after all hyo-un respect more taehyuk wishes than his obsessive bother, then again, he learn his lesson after many lives sadly teahyuk didnt forgive him ( and i think he did the right here) and he was okay with that, that all im gonna say.
surprises me how some of u still get angry after 80ch of caesar being chronically insane...this is going to be toxil till the end. im happy today was confirmed another side stories coming!!! im so excited