Finance advice! Don't laugh, it's the most useful and easy advice you'll read here. Get ready because this will make your future way better without you needing to do anything that requires much effort! 1: Get a credit card. The sooner the better. A steady 1-2% rewards with no monthly fees card is what you want. Once you have it, use it as if it wa......
Well instead of anime in general, it was actually just a single anime that helped turn my entire life around. A few years back during the summer, I was in a really dark place. I had moved away from all my friends, I never left outside, I didn't know anyone, and I was just all around depressed. Then that same summer, while chatting with my friend fr......
My mom honestly probably does suspect something's up, but she hasn't confronted me or anything. XD The worst scare I've had so far was when I was actually LISTENING to something and I had left for a while and shut my computer. You see, the funny thing is that my computer sometimes has this tiny bug where audio/videos will start playing from the spe......
My parents suspect I'm dating someone bc I wear this goofy ass smile looking down at my phone when my OTP does some cute shit. They're like, wow she's blushing rn she must really like whoever she's talking to!! I wonder if she's dating them? No my mom NO dad I'm just a nerd that obsesses over gay pairings bye
Older readers (over 21), what is the best advice you would give someone you...