In Japan, there are weather forecasters that are treated very similarly to how idols are treated. For those who are unaware of idol culture, idols are often expected to maintain a certain image. For female idols, it is common for them to act cute for their fans and dress appropriately. If they are seen acting differently than their idol persona, there is strong backlash from their obsessive fans. This ultimately limits the idols freedom to express themselves. Idol culture in Japan is hardcore man. Fans go crazy when they see their idol break their personas. This is why Asada is worried about our main character “not liking the cool her.” Asada’s usual personality is not how an idol would dress nor act. And that’s why I find it so cute that the main character doesn’t care about how Asada presents herself. She simply likes Asada for being herself :]

If anyone is interested in supporting the author, here is a link to the entire completed manhwa in Korean.
Additionally, here’s a link to the author’s twitter. Beware spoilers since the manhwa is already completed.
Your honor, I support girls rights and wrongs but Snow White did absolutely nothing wrong. It was self defense —not a septuple homicide!!!