What I find weird is that their always talking about going to the hospital for a fever and a cough x) I don't understand why ! You just could call a doctor or going to pharmacy like he did. Why do they always think about going to the hospital first? Can somebody explain this to me?
This is coming from someone who lives in the states, so depending on where you live my comparisons might not be relevant. But in Korea it’s quite common for people to go to the hospital for small things like colds to receive help or medication casually, while here in the US it’s like if you’re going to the hospital then something is horribly wrong haha
Also, while healthcare isn’t free in Korea, it is SIGNIFICANTLY cheaper than healthcare in America. Like receiving whatever help at a health facility in Korea equals out to about 1/10 of whatever it would cost here in the states. So while in the US we are plagued by fear of how much money it will put us out to seek professional medical help, that fear most likely isn’t as imminent in Korea.
In France too we are not afraid of cost because it will cost 0 € but coming to the hospital for a simple fever and a cough is not right,you might take the place of someone who has a important urgency. You can simply take fever medication and go to your family doctor first thing in the morning. Have a prescription for medicine and some rest and you will be good as new. Of course you go to the hospital if your fever is really high for no apparent reason and you have no medication at home.... But in this chapter I don't think his fever is really bad or it would have last a bit more....
Yeah this has always confused me too. I’ve seen it in anime, manga, kdrama, and so many other things where their first thought is “oh god we have to get you to the hospital” even if it’s something tiny and not life-threatening in the slightest haha
I’m curious if it’s actually that common for people to go to the hospital for such small things
That's it !!!! communication baby !!!! Yeah I love them