i feel like tamaki is asexual. he obviously has no sexual desire whatsoever when it comes to either gender, so I’m thinking he’s just asexual. actually, reading this made me question my own sexuality. i really relate with tamaki that i dont find anyone sexually attractive. i’ve been out as bi for about two years now, but i’ve never really been sexually attracted to anyone, even if i like them. but im young so idk if its just my age or if im actually asexual. feel free to leave feedback haha
Nononono, that's wrong. An asexual person does feel pleasure and can get aroused by some situations, actions or similar, but we just don't feel sexual attraction to anyone. If you give a porn magazine to an asexual, he/she won't feel anything from it. But caressing their partner or touching themselves does feel good and does excite them.
No, you're wrong. Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction, it does not mean you cannot experience sexual pleasure! You are not unable to have sex if you are asexual, you simply do not feel the need to have it. Asexual people can grasp onto what sex appeal is and admire it, but they're not affected by it or get turned on by it, the admiration is likely aesthetic attraction based on what public opinion finds attractive.
This also does not mean asexual people cannot have kids, but then it's the desire to have kids that drives them rather than having sex!! Asexual people can also consent and have sex with their partner, but they still do not feel sexual attraction. You may think this is sad for the partner to have their lover not be turned on by their efforts, but yeah, that's the difficult part of finding a partner :)
Asexuality is not being scared or repelled by sex, or anything related to it. Some asexuals may say it's disgusting but that is their individual opinion, not part of asexuality. And they're probably just edgelords trying to feel "more asexual" which is not a thing.
Some asexuals do experience romantic attraction while others do not, then they're also aromatic, but you don't need to specify that if it makes you uncomfortable or feels like too much. Some asexuals do experience sexual attraction to someone they've bonded emotionally with for a long time, we call those demisexuals. Asexuals who are only romantically attracted to the opposite gender can be called gray-asexuals. You do not need to use these umbrella terms if you're uncomfortable with them, asexual is enough.
You cannot be a pan-ace (pansexual asexual), pansexuality is the sexual attraction regardless of gender. If you call yourself pan-ace because you don't care about gender, then just call yourself asexual, the sexuality doesn't state any gender to begin with!
Asexuality is often excluded from LGBT because LGBT is seen as a community of sexuality, and since it's a-sexuality it's not a sexuality. But a-sexuality is a valid sexuality and is part of LGBT, despite the fights.
I don't know if you get a notification for replies of replies to your comment, so I'd just like to refer to my other reply!! And I'd also like to remind you that you are not obligated to label yourself if it makes you uncomfortable, but if it gives you comfort to know there are other people that feel the same and there is a label that describes you, then that's good too!!
My God, thank you for saving the day! I'm spanish and talking about such confusing topics is really hard for me xD
I hardly disagree with not including asexuality in LGBT. It's a type of sexuality, it's a sexuality in which you don't feel sexual attraction, but the name "asexuality" makes it confusing.
Also, I humbly suggest to read about the bi-pan discussion. As a former self labeled pan, saying there is a difference between pan and bi is, for me, like saying bi people are transphobic. Just because it's called BIsexuality doesn't mean you can only like 2 genders. It's like the word "salary": it originated from the latin word for salt, because it's what they used to pay the workers, cos it was valuable. But now we're not paid in salt, even if it's called salary. The same with feminism. Another term that confuses people. Feminism wants men and women to be equals, but sounds like you want female dominance. Same with bisexuality. A trans woman is a woman, no matter what.
I'm so sorry if it sounded like I didnt, but I do know there is a difference between bi and pan • ‿ ,•
However, what is bi-pan? I'm pretty sure that would be the same as polysexual?
To my understanding bisexual is attracted to both men and women (including trans men and women), which means they care about gender and it's limited to men and women.
Polysexuality is being attracted to several but not necessarily all genders, which means they care about gender but it's not limited to men and women (it might be non-binary as well, for example).
And I already explained my understanding of pansexuality being careless of gender.
I'm really sorry if what I'm about to say hurts you, but bi-pan might be harmful (in the same way as pan-lesbians is harmful) because it implies that there are genders pansexuals are not attracted to (╯︵╰,)
I think poly- and pansexuality are under the bisexual umbrella, so in theory, bisexual includes everything while the other two specify further
I specially like the last paragraph, but still think bi and pan are the same thing, but with different names. But that's ok. As you previously said, identify as you want and as you feel comfortable. What's important about all this is that we understand that even though we tag each other differently, we are all LGBT. LGBTphobia has already done so much harm to all of us, so let's fight it all together. If things come to be really bad we can all call ourselves "ducks" instead of pan, bi, ace, alo, whatev. We can all be a cute tide made of ducklings that rises to spread freedom :3
Please, ignore the ducks thing if you think is stupid, I've been awake for more than 24h and can't think straight nor gay xD omg, pls, i wanna sleep xD
aw hell naw they done made a car seat headrest reference in my manga!!!
based pfp