i feel so bad for haesol this mans is getting heavily manipulated and i don't think duna is good for him at ALL. it was really eerie seeing him convince himself that it's all his fault that duna is acting this way, or that duna loves him regardless of how much she throws him around as she pleases. i feel like in the long run he is genuinely going to get hurt and honestly i do not want that for him at all, he deserves so much better...it is clear to see that duna constantly goes to him as a rebound and to take out her anger and frustrations and i feel like she needs to get her shit figured out, maybe go to a therapist...

it is one thing to acknowledge it and to actually take action and do something about it. duna knows what she's done is bad, at least she's self aware, but it will still continue to happen if she doesn't actively try to reconcile and properly talk about the situation. what she did after she nearly choked haesol to death was try and avoid him because SHE felt uncomfortable, which i feel like is incredibly selfish because while haesol was scared and probably in need of some comfort, she decided to run off and avoid the situation and the consequences of said situation. i think leaving him alone just affects things negatively, like, come on have you seen how it has affected haesol when she does so?

but haesol didn't need comfort. she saw the fear in his eyes and that's why she also left. she knew she scared him. haesol needed his own time after that like imagine thinking the person you like was abt to kill you. I don't know why everyone keeps hating the MC so much when they're all supposed to be held accountable for their actions. duna/doona always said she wouldn't have a relationship and told haesol he'd end up hurt if he thought abt wanting to have one with her. haesol isn't a little kid anymore to be afraid to say NO. also, dona literally thought about meeting him after to apologize again. idk why y'all are trying to make her seem like the worst person ever. she's not perfect and has her own problems she needs to fix but that doesn't justify people giving the author hate nor constantly commenting on how duna is horrible and an abuser.
chulho sunny side story soon i'm shaking with restlessness i need it Now