The arch back. He definitely knew what he was doing.
I loved how pathetic he look while trying to find inseob. Inseob should’ve token that chance to run away
Yujae is the one who needs to figure out his own feelings not Hunjun. Bro gets all pissy when he’s not by Hunjun and takes it all out on him. I also like how Hunjun is able to stand up for himself but bro how are you gonna ignore those red flags?
Isagi shit talked and gagged them UPPPPPP
They’re LITERALLY so cute omggg. F*ck Lister, he can go fall down the stairs again (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸
Jitae definitely an eater
Gripping the walls, literally lmao
Yeah, Doha is gonna keep him there forever
The arch back. He definitely knew what he was doing.