heartbeatcoochie October 5, 2020 3:03 pm

Oh my fucking god learn how to take a fucking hint or no for a answer holy shit. He even said he has a boyfriend like fr stop. Also why did I feel a bit bad for the cop when he was crying in the car :/

heartbeatcoochie October 4, 2020 3:56 pm

I just wanna say, I’m still on the first chapter but Eiji.. girl he can go to hell.

heartbeatcoochie October 4, 2020 2:53 pm

Some of these comments are very... dense.. asking what’s the point and saying they don’t understand. It would be nice if everyone payed attention “100 years ago” the background turning black to show past tense etc. “Why would the author add rape again” the author is not romanticizing it, it is there as a key plot point. If you don’t understand the point of diving into the MCs past life... which is literally the whole point of the story, reincarnation. Idk what to tell you,, maybe try reading the raws? I can’t believe I saw some people say that this chapter was pointless

heartbeatcoochie October 3, 2020 4:56 pm

Really wish they would’ve just taken him to the hospital... it’s not even that Hen “couldn’t refuse Alek because the mark was painful” no hen was literally not even fully there. He didn’t consent to EITHER of them I’m 100% even if he was fully conscious he wouldn’t have sex with Alek just because the mark “hurt” y’all are praising Alek for not wanting to see hen cry... the bar is on the floor. It’s like y’all are forgetting he literally said he brought him there to r*pe him anyways in the first place. Also I’m not sure but if he hadn’t lured hen out there I don’t think the mark would’ve flared up THAT bad in the first place.

heartbeatcoochie October 2, 2020 11:58 am

Last time I was in this section there seemed to be a lot of people who were saying that they study psychology in real life and basically explaining Kang Moo’s behaviour whether it was accurate, etc. I also want to major in criminal psychology soon. But this chapter confused me. Why was Kang Moo upset at Kirin basically rejecting him if he is unable to feel love (psychopath)? Was that because he can only feel a sort of obsession and he was mad the obsession was showing resistance? Another thing I was confused about was when he decided not to throw Kirin off the cliff. This is so interesting because to me it showed that maybe he cared for him just a little bit, ? or maybe he just didn’t want to throw away/break his toy early? I’m literally obsessed with this webtoon I can’t wait to get money so I can buy the entire thing (I’m going back and forth between lehzin and here atm )

    Purple October 2, 2020 1:00 pm

    The thing is: if he does love Kirin, it fucks the entire story, since psychopaths can't love.

    Anonymous October 3, 2020 8:27 am

    Kangmoo is just angry because he can't move Kirin on his own terms.

heartbeatcoochie September 30, 2020 11:18 pm

I finished the raws and I was actually quite disappointed SPOILER//

Yes they did end up together but the amount of pain Ian went through? And also inflicted on the other woman? It hurt me to watch, imagine having an affair with someone who A) doesn’t like you B) is getting married and using both you and the other woman?. Ian really went through all of that and I honestly do not think Raymond deserved him he only realized when Ian left momentarily all this happening within the last 10 chapters at that. *sigh* and all of Ian’s friends trying to help him and he just wouldn’t listen was so frustrating. I would’ve rather him end up with someone who was considering his feelings throughout the whole story rather than a man who just wanted to use him and acknowledged that the relationship was basically one sided until the last 10 chapters. Made me sad but I suppose it’s realistic. If it were me I would’ve left though.

    Anonymous October 1, 2020 4:08 am

    I don’t understand. I feel like you guys are unnaturally harsh on Raymond

    Xayneth Satnum October 1, 2020 4:27 am

    Ahem.........that other women went through no pain. She basically had half hand in Ian's reputation falling down. Ian knew everything from the start. He choose this himself. How can u just go making it all on Ian? Did u not see how broken Raymond was or which lengths he went to for finding Ian? U look like u never took the full story into view nor understood the raws. Just a biased opinion.

    heartbeatcoochie October 1, 2020 4:56 am
    Ahem.........that other women went through no pain. She basically had half hand in Ian's reputation falling down. Ian knew everything from the start. He choose this himself. How can u just go making it all on I... Xayneth Satnum

    From what I saw Raymond was only broken within the last 10 chapters when Ian actually left. He didn’t show that much of a concern for Ian’s feelings until he actually left. Also I don’t speak Korean and that was the best understanding I got from google translate? And the other woman could’ve went through pain because from my understanding she actually liked Raymond, no? I’m harsh on Raymond because from the beginning he expressed that he was just using Ian but was still playing with his feelings throughout the story.. Ian just settled because he was in love but for a majority of the story it was one sided.

    Anonymous October 1, 2020 5:03 am
    From what I saw Raymond was only broken within the last 10 chapters when Ian actually left. He didn’t show that much of a concern for Ian’s feelings until he actually left. Also I don’t speak Korean and t... heartbeatcoochie

    Yeah but Ian is not perfect either. He technically raped Raymond and although Raymond is harsh emotionally he is not doing anything that Ian wasn’t aware of to begin with. He told Ian about having only sex, and if you saw the races then you’d see that he tells Ian of his plans and he never sleeps with anyone other than him. I know he is not perfect but I find him quite likable because it’s understandable that genuine love from Ian does have him questioning his own worth. He finds himself ugly and is genuinely shocked by Ian’s love

    Xayneth Satnum October 1, 2020 5:08 am
    From what I saw Raymond was only broken within the last 10 chapters when Ian actually left. He didn’t show that much of a concern for Ian’s feelings until he actually left. Also I don’t speak Korean and t... heartbeatcoochie

    That's the part where u should actually appreciate Raymond. He never played with Ian. He made everything clear to Ian from the start. And that women, she saw them two having sex in the castle. She knew the truth. She herself is a shrewd bitch. Ian loved Raymond doesn't mean Raymond should've fallen in love with him at that very moment. It's a slow process and that's what actually makes the story good and realistic.

    percyjackson October 1, 2020 6:51 pm

    By reading through Google translate, you might have missed out a lot of the nuances... Raymond definitely did not return his feelings only at the last 10 chapters. If you reread it in English after that it might clear up your misunderstandings. There are a lot of read between the lines moments in this manhwa, which makes it so good. All the characters are very complex, as with their relationship.

    heartbeatcoochie October 1, 2020 7:23 pm
    By reading through Google translate, you might have missed out a lot of the nuances... Raymond definitely did not return his feelings only at the last 10 chapters. If you reread it in English after that it migh... percyjackson

    Yup totally understandable, I will be waiting for the English translations to clear up my misunderstandings

    Kokoro_Ai October 2, 2020 4:45 pm

    Is really ironic and a little hypocritical on your part, with that avatar, and judge Ray's action, motivations. etc. xD ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌

heartbeatcoochie September 30, 2020 12:22 am

All of them are gaslighting him this is so annoying. Same with the guy who lives with him I feel so bad. It’s driving him insane I feel like he’s gonna be a victim at the end of all of this

heartbeatcoochie September 29, 2020 9:19 pm

Wait you can mark betas?

    yeoonnie September 29, 2020 9:37 pm

    lol our boy isn't a beta... he's just pretending to be one.

    hes actually an elephant

    KilluaxGing September 29, 2020 9:45 pm
    lol our boy isn't a beta... he's just pretending to be one.hes actually an elephant yeoonnie

    Elephant? I thought he was a ladybug ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    DepressedWeeb September 29, 2020 11:04 pm
    lol our boy isn't a beta... he's just pretending to be one.hes actually an elephant yeoonnie

    Was that in purpose or was it autocorrect?

    yeoonnie September 29, 2020 11:26 pm
    Was that in purpose or was it autocorrect? DepressedWeeb

    on purpose lol........ because everyone knows the three genders of omegaverse are alpha, beta, and elephant

    KilluaxGing September 29, 2020 11:29 pm

    You mean ladybug right

    yeoonnie September 29, 2020 11:47 pm
    You mean ladybug right KilluaxGing

    i just read your username and do you really ship them. that's such a ............. i've never read the doujins for hxh but fuck that's an interesting ship. is it real or sarcastic.

    also sure; depending on the pheromones released, it's either an elephant or a ladybug.

    heartbeatcoochie September 30, 2020 12:03 am
    lol our boy isn't a beta... he's just pretending to be one.hes actually an elephant yeoonnie

    Yea I know he’s not a beta but the guy is supposed to think he’s one. So I’m wondering how he marked him without knowing he’s not an omega

    KilluaxGing September 30, 2020 12:30 am

    LMFAOAOAOAOA HELL NO I DONT SHIP IT I just put it as a joke

    I new it see guys ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    KilluaxGing September 30, 2020 12:30 am


    hanakiss September 30, 2020 4:02 am
    Yea I know he’s not a beta but the guy is supposed to think he’s one. So I’m wondering how he marked him without knowing he’s not an omega heartbeatcoochie

    Yeah I was wondering the same. Coz you cant mark betas I believe

    DepressedWeeb September 30, 2020 3:05 pm
    Yeah I was wondering the same. Coz you cant mark betas I believe hanakiss

    I think he just released his scent on him not actually marked him

    yeoonnie September 30, 2020 5:05 pm

    oh i just understood what you were asking lol. i think since bonding is the one that really requires it to be an omega, marking just means leaving your scent ? so like cumming inside or something or licking him a lot. maybe even peeing on him while he's sleeping ig

    Daddykuroo October 3, 2020 5:11 am

    He’s an omega pretending to be a beta so that his identity is hidden

heartbeatcoochie September 26, 2020 9:19 pm

If they have a threesome I might have to drop :(( just literally take him to the hospital he’s damn near unconscious why would you both have sex with him. Idk but I thought this was gonna be kind of wholesome. I’m upset

    tehe :3 September 26, 2020 10:29 pm

    Don’t drop itttt SPOILER

    they do end up having a threesome for some damn FUCKING reason ._. Like just take my poor baby to the hospital damn ugh I just no I hate Alex

heartbeatcoochie September 26, 2020 3:24 pm

Wait did he rape him or what? I’m so confused.

    Fafi January 3, 2021 5:07 am

    Well....if you want the truth he kinda did at the first time but afterwards, Takoto was like given up to him every single time, like he never actually truly resist him(not like that will make any difference for Chunta but I’m just saying). And that is my opinion as a professional foujshi. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Fafi January 3, 2021 5:09 am

    Wait I just realized that you were talking about Usaka and his senpai.
    Well yes I think he might kinda rape him but it’s so confusing because we don’t know if his senpai actually hate it or not like we won’t know what really happened that day unless we sees the senpai view of it.

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