In real life situations you often find ur self struggling to ask them out thinking it might ruin their friendship or even their comfort level with them. It's just that the mc is ... Idk naive or what like duhh kinda dumb

So I don't think you've read further than the officials. For some reason yesterday the fan translated chapters weren't there so just in case: Little spoiler up to chpt 29, I made it as vague as possible:
Minwoo literally admitted to MC that his pushy and controlling behavior is selfish, and MC and his sister both admitted to each other they knew he liked MC basically. It's pretty clear. He's like a brother to MC, it's one sided, and MC knew.

No matter how much i re read he is the problem like bro first u delulu and 2nd blame it on someone innocent it's like how u make a image of them in ur mind is not their fault that they are not like the image u hv created in ur mind .
Bro do all of us readers a favour and just vanish bitch need a life of 7 times to make our fl suffer
This bitch could literally make him a small star.. and then date but nah...
This girl deserve