the way i let out a huge ass gasp as i saw the last panel damn like what the hell happened here
period boo drop him you don't need his toxic ass leave that hoe
i dont know what to say but the second couple top is what threw me off I literally let out a huge ass gasp LMAOSKSJSK
i have never cried so much, the amount of times where my heart clenched from happiness and sadness even though it was short it was such a cute story!! <3
I'm scared for him :0
Same, like whenever I feel like he's about to get caught Im the one that freaks out you know like ヽ(`Д´)ノ
ah hell naw where's taker when you need him
no thoughts head empty just yes
It has finally come to a end, I'm crying their so cute together I love both of them
I don't know how to feel with this information
I feel like shit is about to go down
the way i let out a huge ass gasp as i saw the last panel damn like what the hell happened here