I like this story rn. I thought it would be about the FL turning into a strong independent character. Also, you’d think there would be more initial distrust of the Duke because of her previous experiences with men. Anywho, it’s whateves cuz the story has depth and mystery
it's because the male lead would show their scum side on the get go. Human psyche is very complex that not everyone who was abused is gonna be distrustful.
No misunderstanding trope he was genuinely terrible to her during their marriage. He’s like idk why she left and I can’t help but sigh. Hope they don’t get back together.
He is at least adorable. He does know much about what humans do, which is understandable but he at least knows how to get his feelings across. Torabunbun
WHAT?! He gave you the bare minimum and you’re blushing :( PLEASE get up!! Also, his redemption arc is going to be so lame if this is what’s starting to make her have a positive outlook on him.
from what i've gathered from others comments, she will stand firm in her decision and the redemption will be satisfying as he gets consequences and realizations and yadda yadda. looking forward to it!!
Starts boring and cliché. A bit of a yawn fest rn. Hope it gets interesting soon.