BRUH someone please convince me to forgive taekyung I can’t see anything good about him so friggin help me out

If the love of your life abandoned you, then didn't even recognise you as adults and to rub salt into the wound just used you to prevent you from talking out in the media about them money laundering, wouldn't you want revenge? Taekyung had the power, connections and means to get revenge, but in the end he couldnt shake off his love for Heejae, and tried bring down his company, but protect him from the fallout.
Remember, from his perspective Heejae wasn't the innocent marshmallow that we know him to be - you cant blame him because nobody told him the truth.

He's a likable character since even after he knew that him tormenting Heejae for revenge were all caused by a misunderstanding, he immediately and sincerely apologizes to Heejae. Even though Taekyung was also a victim by the hands of Heegyum, he still bravely acknowledges his "mistake" even though he didn't know anything in the first place. He acknowledges that he hurt Heejae even though that hurting was only planned out of anger that was caused by Heegyum.
In short, even though he was blinded by Heegyum, and even though it wasn't his fault to grow mad against Heejae, he still wholeheartedly and sincerely asked for forgiveness to Heejae. He cried for hurting him which he didn't mean to if only Heegyum didn't cause all those misunderstandings. He stood up for his mistakes even though it was caused indirectly by someone else. He was hurt too, but he still embraced Heejae first. He always put Heejae first.

Everyone who is saying “ I wAnT tO Be KiSe aNd I wAnt To bE rApeD” you have something wrong with you being raped is a traumatic experience why tf would you ever like that I’m quite sure that if the majority of the people saying “they want to be raped” would break down two seconds into the assault. Someone getting raped is a serious problem and being put into captivity while being raped every fucking day is terrible you might as well be Jeffery Epinstien (minus the kids) for liking this it’s rape. Either you all are going to be sex offenders, you are sex offenders or you’re really fucked up. Maybe for me it’s more traumatic because of something that has happened in the past (not rape but sexual assault). Just please stay safe and get a group of people who you agree to have sex with instead of being raped by people you don’t know and make sure to have safe sex. Boy or girl USE CONDOMS with CONSENTED group sex.

I really don’t like this comic for how fucking easy it was to pushover the uke and I hated the seme as well these characters don’t have much personality at all in my opinion besides both being annoying the uke literally said I don’t have any interest in harming others so why the fuck is the seme still after him and technically raping him. I hate this type of bl trope I thought that it would change if I read through it but it didn’t.

I disagree with the rape part. Yes he pretty much did rape the uke in the beginning, but towards the middle the uke is asking to have these "matches" with the seme. Also, they do have personalities. Just because they're not a certain way doesn't mean they don't have any personality. Maybe they don't have much character, but they definitely have personality. Besides, this isn't really a story type of manga. It's mostly for the sex. I'm sorry if that's what you were expecting. I also apologize if I was rude in any type of way. I'm trying to fix the way I speak, so that I explain my perspective nicely, but it's hard for me -_-" sorry bout that. Other than that I hope u have a great day today :)

So Taekyung’s forgiven?? I don’t care if it was a misunderstanding he did not have a good redemption arc. ‘Oh but he felt so regretful’ I don’t care that’s not enough Heejae just needs to let the remorse slowly burn into Taekyung. I just-don’t understand Heejae. When Taekyung was explaining what he was doing to Heejae, Heejae was thinking that Taekyung was scum or lower than that, so why is Heejae all of a sudden a-ok with Taekyung and is only concerned if he’s dating someone??like Taekyung didn’t just try to ruin his life for another ”small” misunderstanding

Because heejae , my baby, my sweet sweet little baby is an idiot. a moron. he doesn't have the brain to think. he's like a baby with no sense of permanence. he dropped everything when he bump into another wall.
he dropped everything in his mind when he thought taekyung is cheating. he didn't even remember that taekyung is the one who puts him in the psychiatric ward, taekyung betraying him, taekyung using him. his brain can't comprehend much thinking. so taekyung is only forgiven because heejae is an idiot.
ps. i still want heejae to overcomplicate things, just so i can see taekyung suffer like how my baby did.

So I guess everyone’s ignoring the fact that params getting toyed with, but it’s ok because “it’s hot”, right? Fuck does no one care how terribly the semes usually treat the Ukes like wtf they’re giving their body’s to you and then you decide to toy with their feelings as well. Does anyone know a GOOD yaoi comic were the main couple aren’t assholes to each other and somehow fall in love after one of them was a piece of shit the whole comic.

I liked it, I can't remember a lot because I read it a long time ago but I think it was about the big guy who worked with one of the main characters of window to window and this cute guy with the red hair. I think that in Window to window the big guy mentioned that he liked the red haired guy so if you read Window to window you should remember about those two

I feel like taekyung needs to pay for what he did a little more I don’t care if he’s sorry or ashamed of himself I know I sound terrible for saying that but the amount of suffering heejae had to experience is ten times more than taekyungs suffering of being “left behind” without any other further info he immediately jumped to the conclusion that heejae threw him away like he meant nothing like come on. Then you go on for like ten years later and try to get back at him for something he didn’t even do like how petty can he be. (ok rant is over I know that I’m gonna get a lot of hate for it but I do want to see them happy I just feel like taekyung hasn’t paid the price to be forgiven and I know that’s thanks to heejaes kind heart that he is forgiven and I know that they’ll end up together so let me just make that rant and I’m done)

Same tho. Like how handsome or rich or whatever he is, his act can't easily forgiven like that. He's lucky it's Heejae. Because if it's me, I won't make it easy for him. I still remember how heartless he is on the previous chapter towards Heejae.
Like you said, he just jump into conclusion that Heejae throw him away, when he actually can use his privilege (for example using his money to hire people to find about Heejae whereabout). To be honest, he didn't deserve Heejae and I hope they won't be together.
Aught I like the comic but I mean the seme need to mind his DAMN MOTHER FUCKING BUSINESS BITCH(Kevin hart quote) The mans just wanna pay for college and family leave him aloneeeee