Just curious, since i know DID and other disorders are oft exploited in stories.

Watched many interviews about people who supposedly have DID and i'm a Psych major who's learned about it a few times in acedemics. I DO NOT have DID. But I found this manga really intruiging because a lot of the terms and depictions line up pretty well from what I know. Obviously there are some parts that are a bit odd but this is a yaoi ( ̄∇ ̄"). Another thing is, we just don't have much solid information on DID as it's pretty damn rare as far as the science knows. And from what i've seen in interviews of people who claim to have DID, while there are definitely some similaries, each person's experience had some variety from another's mechanism wise. So, aside from the whole yaoi romance thing coming in, I thought it was at the very least a really interesting view of DID put into graphic depiction. But ultimately, it's hard to gauge "accuracy" per say just because, unless you have DID, no one else TRULY knows how the experience works. But personally I think they did a really good job (for yaoi (≧∀≦))

It’s difficult to say...
I became close with a woman who had DID when I went to rehab and I met (I think all) her alters
I think this mangaka did a good job at depicting DID to an extent, but I will add Rei has very few alters compared to my friend, (she had abt 14... i had to write on a notebook to list all of their names bc my memory just that bad)
this hurts so bad
my chest is squeezing