I’m guessing that both the sister and the little boy are her tara, so he’s gonna be the ml but we still get tons of sisterly love. Also, another theory about the little sister is that her powers she got from her mom are so strong that it carries her emotions and those emotions are what saved her before she was born because as the twins were growing the eldest sister, feeling the youngests emotions of how she wants to live, decided to protect her and that’s why both were born safely. …but idk

I see in the comments everyone’s talking about how she either should have killed the Duke as soon as she could or asked him to help her early on. Personally I think she should have used her poison and poisoned that whole family with her blood (wife, husband, every maid, spare no one) the night she found her sister assaulted instead of making deals and literally killing everyone but the one in the wrong. Like you could easily poison him (you were basically a maid some I’m sure you had means) or left your sister with poison to defend herself with. Like yikes you need some random man to come save you because you’re too busy thinking about romance than trying to help your sister escape. You left her there by herself with him for 3 months. Yeah.. no. Dislikable character and def no character development.

Yes. But still they would be the first suspects. Remember in ML's case the female doctor or whatever was brought into investigation because she was around their house when the family was murdered. she was cleared but judging by ML's attitude I think he's not buying it. Sorry, I just finished watching a docu about murder using poison, so I'm feeling a bit hyped. Lol.

Even if they are suspects that doesn’t mean that they will automatically be arrested or anything. People would just be like that’s suspicious. Plus if they run away, even if caught they could just say that they were being abused and with all the chaos they figured it was perfect chance to slip away. Idk maybe because I read so much and love a good story I’m a better liar, but if it’s having your sister be assaulted and living with an abuser while being threatened or just going on the run. I know what o would do. …..anyways drop the docu I’m curious.

Like how do you only see your sister. To the point where like you think your sister and wife look similar, you mix up the actions your sister does for what your wife did, and when your sister is in the room she’s the only person you can basically see (other than your dad and brother).
Also FL said that the sister wasn’t like this in the original story, also that the sister is now living her second life and that’s why she knows the future. She has a maid spying on FL (with a knife) looking for blackmail material and her family treats her like a 5 year old. …..math isn’t mathing. Good story so far though.

I get why Dante’s upset, because each time he asked Rafael how things were going he just said that everything was fine. And Dante already said he wanted Rafael to depend on him if he felt like things were hard so this is more of a communication issue on Rafael’s part more than anything. Clearly it’s not going great if his supervisor has to call Dante with questions and to vent, or when the situation he’s in is clearly not doing well and that’s why he’s always still working late at night, or when it’s clear he hasn’t made any friends in his new group and that’s why there’s still all those negative rumors about him which is isolating him. Dante feels like he failed so he’s frustrated and Rafael wants to look good in Dante’s eyes so he’s not communicating his struggles and instead just wants to be comforted by him while pretending everything is fine which doesn’t solve the problem.
The way Doha literally opened a secret door and drug Bada’s cousin in…. My past theory of him being the killer and luring everyone on a trip to a secluded place (that he drove them to) to murder them is looking so cannon
I will make a new theory IF I every see Doha die. ….which won’t happen because I’m right.
~ I’m so excited I love this
I agree. I still think Doha is an NPC, but I think he's supposed to be the ultimate twist of the game. It could be similar to Until Dawn where we saw the guy die but he never really died for all Bada past memories of his death.
I don't think he's a player like Bada because in the beginning he was asking a lot of questions and testing out theories. He's totally a loose canon but that's why I love him.
Yeah! I think Doha is an NPC whose character is the killer and that’s why everyone else gets killed by the killer but him. He prolly kills himself so he gets to play with Bada more (because who knows how long the time between death and game restart is). And I have another theory that because there’s prolly a glitch of some kind when the game notices that there’s no progress (because Doha is too busy trying to get in Badas pants and not killing) the game pops in a random killer to help the story progress, but it doesn’t affect Doha because they’re the same.
That's possible. The game never really answered the question of why Doha killed a guy in the first game. This season never really answered any questions just made more. Plus focused on world building. I hope season 2 comes asap so I don't forget anything and to answer all these questions. But not too quickly where all the answers are lame excuses that doesnt make sense when you think hard enough.