Damn why the fuck is everyone complaining. Like complaining's gonna change the studio's plans lmao. Everyone has their own likes and dislikes, as long as it isn't 'immoral' to a certain extent yall shouldn't interfere. Even I don't really like this manga, but will yall catch me throwing hands with those who like it? You can just voice out your opinion and list the reasons concerning why YOU personally like/dislike
the story. It's just sharing ideas and stuff. But attacking or bashing those with a different perspective just makes you look like boo boo the fool. Hot damn. Sit down and have a cup of water or something.
Oh, bonus: animation depends on three factors. Money, popularity, and source material. Take that into consideration. Just because a manga is your personal fav, doesn't mean the general public views it that way as well.

Ehh. The plot is kind of interesting, but the characters are really trying me. Dear prince, get over yourself. People hug and show affection, especially since they're childhood friends. Just because you one-sidedly like a person doesn't make them yours nor does it justify you getting jealous to the point of blatantly avoiding them like that. The audacity lmao. I feel bad for cosette, but at the same time I think she should steel her nerves because I feel like a lot of shit's about to go down.

Deadass, does he want to catch these hands?
And this kinda shit is somehow normalized in shoujo mangas? Let a bitch try and ignore me over that with no word I'm calling it quits for real. Instead of normalizing that, normalize the display of emotions be it physically or verbally. Stop romanticizing a simple hug or kiss on the cheek. And why does the fl have to do everything in a relationship from figuring out to mending? She won't get a hint if you don't show one in the first place. Honestly I expected more of the fl because??? she's already lived another life AND this one?? Shouldn't she be a little tougher?? just enough not to cry on the spot??? I'm sure she's already an adult mentally so wtf lmao. I don't know if it has to do with the fact she changed to a child's/teen's body though. Cause biology clearly affects our thought process.

I'm gonna sit here and be mad about yuuji accepting to divide the money equally for him, lisa and tina. They literally didn't do anything. They taught him a few things while going along, but they didn't lift a finger for the bs that actually got that much money. They were 'modest' at first but when yuuji proposed it again they accepted almost immediately. That aside from them saying "we, we" everytime somebody asked anything about defeating the bandits and the earth dragon. The mc is partially to be blamed for being naive, but bitches are bitches. I like this manga since the characters aren't sexualized and the mc doesn't have a hero complex. But girl.. somebody give yuuji some brain cells

Deadass fuck them bitches. I absolutely hate this kind of toxic behavior, no matter the gender. People really think it's justified and even adorable because it's a girl doing it. Good morning honey, violence isn't cute or funny. Nor is stealing, stalking, verbal bullying or anything of the kind. The females in this manga just keep on getting more and more annoying. Actually, looking at it I think A LOT of rpg-like mangas have characters like this and I'm honestly about to lose it. I hope the mc will lash out at some point. He may be tolerant because of his mental age, but they don't know that. They KNOW he's a child, even if his demeanor is mature compared to others. That sister is irresponsible, close-minded and reckless to no end. She should widen her horizons beyond swordsmanship and be more aware of her position as a noble's daughter. And don't get me started with that one maid that keeps shoving her nose where it doesn't belong. All in all, this isn't fucking cute or amusing. I hope this kind of "op mc is terrified of an oh so tsundere female character that he could one-shot to another dimension" trope dies down. This manga is interesting and I love the mc - hopefully it doesn't get run over by the females. Oh, to be reading a good reincarnation manga without any sexualization or toxicity. Seems like a distant dream.

I completely agree with you. I am so happy because everything you said also frustratated me but I couldn’t even express it. So thank you.
And this is also why I stopped reading this manga, I didn’t like how the big sister was being nosy and violent toward her little brother.
Fucking finally. A manga where the person who slaps the other's hand away ACTUALLY apologizes instead of running away.
In Hindsight it's kinda sad that this is something we gotta celebrate llD
Anyway, you are completely right :D