One thing's clear. He doesnt know himself. He doesnt know how to love. He wants Hyeok coz he knows when he's tired of him he can just toss him around, no feelings attached but with Dajeong.. he cant coz ryt from the start Dajeongs alrdy important to him but he's denial or simply cant name to his feelings. Faq it.

I think what’s clear to me is he has psychopathy or ASPD. He doesn’t feel anything, he’s numb that’s why he craves doing shit like chocking and almost killing someone cause of the adrenaline so he can physically feel something. He’s also a narcissist.He manipulated the uke into thinking what’s happening is his own fault when really the seme made him that way. He then laughs at the uke for crying and blaming himself for everything that’s happening.

The ml as bby is all but innocent.. the mum is hurting and despised the bby but clearly theres a little part of her that could either her pity since ml is just a bby or her being amidst knowing the bby is kinda monster to her but its still her child afterall. .... I'm quite grateful tht even tho ml as bby was a half monster. He was only atleast despised but they ddnt attempted to kill him hopefully not happening in the future chaps
Ive been reading dark, horror, psychologically damaging stuffs lately and now I'm here like ahwws, I'm born again.