So you improve yourself for the better Just to Sleep with and manipulate your enemies current love interest but when you don't get your way You become sad all of a sudden Sounds like emotional manipulator to me but sis.That girl with the brown hair I love her she knows the game if she knows the player she can warn her friends About him Cause I don't like it.All he could have done to prevent the heartache he will cause in the Start to finish of this series Was fight with these boys Instead of dragging these Girls into something that they don't belong in. I'm Laughing at How he easily gets them when he just started going to the school.And what kills me he acts like he's better than them When He's just like them Except he hides it.

You better take this man down He violated you 8 rounds in a row So much you passed out And all you do is throw a fit but now you got a good idea go ahead and take down the corrupted Hierarchy and take him with it in the process.I want to see the yellow eyed big neck fool Suffering in the jail sale #LeeWillsuffer.I'm sorry quicksilver but you know what side I'm on man
Seems like the red heads have lost their minds now We have the home recker From Cherry blossoms and we've been not liking this one who's next