The fact that he cut his hair and applied for a job knowing he's well off To get to the man that he wants says I lot And I'm here for it. And he looks a little more cuter with that short cut but the long hair did look good also.I know there relationship is gonna be a challenge because he's used to getting what he wants and the other one is used to giving back to others so I wanna see what's gonna happen.

Now I was getting okay with this boy but now he wants to taunting our baby in public that's not that's not it Talking about who's lying on who's back What they need to do it's put you on your back Sir. I'm trying to be nice in the comments this week He hasn't done nothing Too crazy so far.What do you think Quicksilver can I Get your friends opinion too Mai he/she is such a sweetie.

Only if you're asking me alone what I think as myself and not a member of a tribe or something cuz that's the only way I'm ever gonna answer you.
Okay, in my opinion I've gotta say I don't know how your brain works. Haven't you ever had a lover come up to you and whisper something sexy in your ear? How you can turn that into something mean like taunting? You're making a victim out of Junho. Junho doesn't like being cast in the victim's role. What man does? Lee Kang wasn't using any force. In fact he caught Junho before he fell on his ass, and he walked away when he was asked to.
Is your bun too tight, granny, to have such an ungenerous attitude?

What's making me nuts is the way we haven't seen the two main characters together in a scene that lasts more than five damned panels in about 25 chapters. I'm starting to hate this fuckng author. wtf is she doing? The side characters are boring the life out of me. The only characters I like are Junho and Lee Kang, and they were only together at the start. Was that just a way to get us to read a butt load of boring, watered down story with no purpose, no theme, no coherence? This sucks.
S U C K S. like when is the actual story going to start?

Jorsh I agree with him,we don't have the same outlook. As I've never seen/met a person on mangago who thinks like him & I'm grateful that he let's me in his discussions & replies me back everytime. How he spends his time on fools like us regardless of what we say or might think, purely focussing on his words. As for me, ive simple vews just like all the other normal people here who come to read & appreciate.

That's what's you're not going to do with me today it's act like he was not lurking On him the whole time he might of Caught him before he fail But to whisper such a statement and public is simply inappropriate But then again like you said I might be a little too pressed.But I stand where are stand and you stand where you stand that's what makes our discussions magical.

As much as I appreciate quick silvers outlook I appreciate yours the same And his opinions as in How quite infuriating they can be do hold some Weight to them.I hope things are well for you And The occasional fury I have for quick silver some discussions I do have with him do not transfer in your direction.To be honest He pissed me off the 1st time he responded to me when I started reading this but I became infatuated with his point of view As much as I do not agree with it..It's quite refreshing actually.

Yes, especially since Lee Kang was so cold to Junho when Junho went over to his damn apartment to apologize, and especially when Junho stayed overnight at Lee Kang's apartment and got rejected in the coldest possible way. What's so stupid is Lee Kang is letting that stringy haired blond bltch stay with him for free at his apartment and not being a cold ass motherf6cker to him. Is that blond whore giving you sex, you idiot? wtf?
Saying it's a lack of connection is you being a gentleman about it. Yes, Lee Kang has been a prime bltch, but I don't like it when people say things that mean they don't want the Kangho relationship to progress after I put all this energy into reading this thing up to now. Plus I like the way they look when they have sex, and I wanna see more of it. It's hot. I like the way Lee Kang and Junho's muscles, too. Because of all that , I don't particularly care about their past. Yes, I am that shallow. lmao

well if Lee Kang is following Junho around doesn't that say something about his special regard for Junho?And maybe in lee kang's abused, sick mind he's crazy about Junho. That's what I think. And what is Junho's deal, all masturbating to Lee Kang only? There's a sticky sickness between them which is an interesting kind of glue, holding them tight like a glue trap so neither of them can pull out of it.
When someone rejects you, you want them even more. Thus are the sorrows of third density.
They want each other, and I want them together

You are never in the right mood if you can defend that man every week like you do in the 1st place but How about 5050 since you wanna play a games.And my rebuttal would be 3 novels If I need to explain why you're Muscle bound psychotic Cold hearted Fool Is anything good But a chunky rotted Tree that I can cut down and put in my fireplace that's his purpose in my opinion.

Ya stop dragging That boy in the comments param was just getting off for work getting a ride home nothing else okay it's his boss Mr.Han you need to worry about We know he likes Hiwi He's just conflicted that's all He'll have it together But a next chapter probably so be easy on him.Yes he is naive But not all But most Uke Play this trope Out In there storylines.But at least he Has had enough of it And wanted to go home by himself so he has some dexterity to him So respect him and He will make Hiwi Happy and himself in the process.

Now I'm very much disgusted. Now you won't to make him you're in the meanwhile play toy he's already been You're Object Of pure abuse as it is but now you wanna make him Suffer a little bit more.I don't care about the past he has suffered He's out of pocket with this one and his granddaddy I want to see him burn to ashes Sprinkled across Lee Kang Beating bear body Sprayed with diesel fuel In lit on fire Just for me To light my cigar In the victory Of it all.He better take that boy down or he's gonna have all of us disappointed in him Other in it quicksilver I need your opinion On this I'll be glad to hear it and I hope things are going well for you and you getting plenty of rest sincerely Jorshstein

i think red raspberries make good wigs for finger puppets. I think Jorshstein is genius at comments. lol I think that the only really interesting thing about this manhwa is the relationship between lee kang and junho, and i don't care what happens as long as the author puts them together in the entire rest of the book and lets them either duke it out or fuck each other till their red monkey dicks turn inside out, just put the 2 main characters together b4 i get on a plane to korea, hunt the bitch down, and beat the shit out of her raggedy ass. (disclaimer: jk) I've had it with the side characters and their boring shit. Move this along for fuck's sake. after all the damn support i've taken out of my own hyde for this clown act, it better get itself together fast., goddammit
How u doing, Jorshstein? LOL
I think I'd better not hear this kind of abusive talk coming out of any other comment box around here or there will be consequences - except for my Jorshstein who can do whatever, say whatever he wants with my blessings.

Until that crack about my muscle boy, Lee Kang, you were number one, you evil b*tch. LOL I'm starting to think you're a little bit picky. even though you're still my baby angel..... You don't think Lee Kang is hot... for a rapist, I mean? bahaha. He has that sweet sad expression when he's raping, like when he inclines his head so tenderly during that swimming pool combo rape/blackmail at school? Did you see the gentle way he caressed Junho's nipple during that punch-out at the Hotel Pierre de la Korea? LMAO. Am I grossing you out? don't be mad. It's just my pov. I can't help the way I feel. I'm trying to share. lol
You know, I don't give a rat's ass if a character goes around raping. It doesn't have much impact on me. I don't care. lol it doesn't even set off a spark. I guess I've gotta envy you guys feeling so much. Rage, hate... I've got nothing. You really get mad? it's kind of cool in a way. Passion.
I just like the way they look. lolol maybe I over-shared here. LOL

They will regardless Disagree with you But in the way they go little too hard in the paint From you're opinion alone I think.But did again You tend to Give them all the smoke when they get disrespectful so they was reciprocating What is being given sometimes.Either way You got much love from my corner And you know you been my bestie on this website for quite a while.At first I saw your comment Months ago I was just like them but I had to remember you're entitled to your opinion and I got to Have a little friend to banter with on this website It makes life a little bit funnier And better for me.

U actually mention QS's name in the title everytime as far as i remember right? But u know u actually need more than brain cells and guts to understand every little thing he says . Convo with him is not something simple and casual . He listens to you and he spends a lot of time on you to make u realize what he is actually saying. If you r to brush it off , youll never get to understand his words thats why most of the people here misinterpret every thing he says and their minds just get stuck on that one word, for them all other words become blurry, which ultimately makes him angry.

Look, Whatever connection you have With Mai It's neat But he had me lost For a second.Then I understood That your Friend want me to understand your point of you And not get lost In the process of explaining it fair enough.I hope I don't make you angry as much as you make them angry when you comment.And in the same breath It's all shits and giggles As far As I see it.

Wait what?! Did i sound impolite??Now that i read it again i should have explained properly, my bad.i said that cz i noticed how u were always wishing someone, & i admired your approach ,thats how i remember you.i meant it in a good way.so im really sorry if i sound rude..after that, i was just stating my point of views.We have disagreed in the past on a lot of things, but i do agree with him when it comes to art plot authors & immature mentality of people here cz thats exactly how i think too.Still i feel bad for making u angry& for butting in.So again im sorry

Oh no you're not impolite I just over think and over analyzes everything that's what it is so I Hopefully not Cause you are scare because Your dialog Was quite engaging actually I just have a way with words that come abroad As .A friend of quicksilver is a friend of mine I'm cool with you The more the merrier

It's cool quicksilver I just over thought and overshared that's what happened I'm Cool with You're people.I just really enjoy The conversation I can have once a week With you all It takes my mind off my actual life And I am simply The reader not Someone of your caliber who Understand the culture and the writing process
Wow I was rooting for you we was all rooting for you. Param I defended you In the last chapter but this I'm let this go this time because you're being manipulated by this Evil man But still I don't like you at the moment