I haven't read horror manga solely with ghosts setting yet. Some say it's much more better than films. So, I wanna try some plsss

you'll like anything by junji ito

Why are most ppl red-flag enjoyers? Is it correlated with masochistic characteristic? I really wonder cuz most of the wattpad stories I scrolled down are messed up with typically shitty & rapist seme. Again, the readers romanticed non-consented sexual behaviour done by ml as the term " cool "

oh my gosh this
Plus the amount of people I have seen justifying non-con and abuse in the name of "dark romance" like . I just don't understand how it's romance if the main characters love interest rapes, stalks, abuses (ahem haunting adeline ahem) them like that's not romance whatsoever and that doesn't make them hot.
Another thing I never understood was people thinking stalkers are cool like-?? are they okay?? it's a huge fucking crime and they're cool and hot? no- you wouldnt wanna be fucking stalked why do people normalize/romantcize almost anything in this generation is out of my thinking capabilities.

Two things: I think either people enjoying this type of thing have never been in a proper relationship and think that you can „change“ him or think it’s sexy if he’s and asshole to anyone but you, nah that’s not sexy that’s a huge red flag
And I think the second part of it is that it is just easier to write. You need a better skills to make a story interesting when it is about a healthy relationship or a green flagged partner, while you can just hit certain story beats with a red flag guy.
So laziness of writers and people having a screwed view on what’s sexy.

Actually first of chill it's fiction. I don't support r*pe but if it's just fiction and characters who end up together after the seme apologising and paying for his behavior towards the uke is ok only in FICTION. There's the thing, sometimes people do stuff if it's fiction and readers are biased and forgive the characters because there is a meaningful arc and mostly because its fiction.
Now coming back to your question, why are most ppl red-flag enjoyers?
1. This is either because personally I've felt that it has been a huge help in my life to deal with bad things. When I see someone suffer I feel bad for them and I think that compared to them I have many good things in life. Honestly I know that it's no way to gain positively but I honestly have a very bad life. Its always my fault at the end of the day. And I can't help but cry myself to sleep. There was a time in my life (when I didn't read red flag stories) I used to burst into tears without any reason. It was hard to breathe. And then I started reading those hardcore stuff, I realised I'm very privileged. And now I hardly cry myself to sleep because of my problems.
2. Or either because the readers have masochistic/sadistic tendencies.
Also STOP reading from WATTPAD. Save your brain from melting. I'm saying this as an ex-WATTPAD Reader who used the app from about 2015 to 2019. After that I used to read from the site. Almost all free stories are so cringey and with all the spelling mistakes and grammatical errors you'll feel like jumping out of your window. I think most stories on WATTPAD are written by super Cringey teenagers because the way there's always the ml/seme calling the mc/uke baby girl or baby boy. I'm not saying WATTPAD doesn't has good stories I'm just saying that there's NO quality. It's better to read from AO3. Writers care much more about their work and readers at AO3.
Also when the readers romanticed non-consented sexual behaviour done by ml as the term " cool, are actually enjoying themselves the way they like and I'm sure most of them will never support r*pe in real life.

The question mentioned wattpad as well, and I’m not sure why it matters whether the site is illegal or not. Fact is it is easier to write and when I say lazy writing I don’t mean every red flag character ever (which I think is clear) but the ones where the whole story is based off of that or just simply badly written. Not sure how that is so weird to say.

Does anyone have a list for chinese bl shounen?If do,recommend pls♀


Pls!I need some mind-refreshing bl shounen to clean my soul.It'd be great if chibi ver is included in it.ヾ(☆▽☆)

I wanna try great smut B×G with no ml. Please recommend some ෆ╹ . ╹ෆ