did it really have to be so rushed tho.

idec the smut in this story is fantastic

does anyone have link to novel? pls message it to meeeee

the story started off soo strong but now it’s kinda corny but imma still read it the new season is super rushed as well

mira★~(◡﹏◕✿) asked a question

can anyone recommend any toxic omegaverse bls? ones with good art pls

i wanted to see them fuck so bad i’m sorry

bro why are they so expressionless??? it’s actually making me annoyed….

is it me or this story got so boring?

mira★~(◡﹏◕✿) created a topic of PREDATOR

why is there so much fluid ibjol

is it bad that i just wanna see them fuck,,, just once please

this story is bad but it wouldn’t have been as bad if they had him develop his relationship with his boss further instead having the harem plot line… like he couldn’t have just been with one person

mira★~(◡﹏◕✿) created a topic of Liebling!

bye i forgot abt this shit why is it trending again

i like how brothers without a tomorrow knows how and when to end their stories! they never drag it out i love it

atp it’s just them having sex with a sprinkle of plot

mira★~(◡﹏◕✿) created a topic of Jinx

i’m sorry but the romance feels just so sudden? idk if i’m explaining it good but it really came out of nowhere… like they only had sexual tension but i can’t see them dating or anything. i have yet to see jae kyung do one nice thing for kim dan and he just falls in love with him? idk the author is trying to push this romance but i’m not into it….

idk wasn’t for me.. i read 30 chapters but this story was mid asf. and i don’t like how the crown prince looks it’s just a turn off for me,. dropping this…