So it started off as a typical one night stand manga. I continued to read it cuz eh why not? The male lead is stupid and pushy but at least he expressed how much he loves her, but still he shouldn't throw himself over her. I still think he's the best character in here, which is pretty sad haha...
The ex is just pure trash. We can all agree with that.
Now the female lead... She may be the victim of sexual harassment...but she's a victim multiple times because she doesn't do shit about it. Doesn't say no, doesn't push them away, doesn't report it to anyone, let's someone give her a HICKEY (you know it takes more than a few seconds to get a HICKEY, in which she couldve pushed him off ) and she thinks her ex is not a bad person even after all that and blindly follows him and talks to him. Yeesh, it's not like I'm surprised. Many josei and josei fl are spineless and then they complain about their lives and the ml are grade a jerks. The amount of bs I read is hilarious.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

For an adult,the MC was very childsih and annoying. I hate it when the female lead is supposed to be a strong character but then end up doing stupid shit just because of a guy. She forgave him so easily every time and took all his bs. The plot started off fine but then got repetitive with multiple misunderstandings.

I can't believe it took me this long to come across this manga.
Honestly I love mangas like these. There isn't that much drama, they have both cute and sexy scenes, there is comedy yet depth to the characters. Thegirl isn't a cry baby and stupid like in so many shoujos and joseis and the guy isn't a douche.
A book with the right amount of intimacy.Finally.