dick2bomb January 30, 2017 8:59 am

good polyships like this one are hard to come by!

dick2bomb January 26, 2017 5:33 pm

i actually like it when the two mcs arent nice to each other at the start cause a lot of character development can be reached through two characters bickering and it's really cathartic when they resolve their issues

dick2bomb January 23, 2017 9:06 am

myabi and yamada keep having these moments alone together like they obviously have some subtle chemistry going too but honestly i dont want to see any of them end up alone. would totally be down for a poly myabi+yamada+moa ending (would never happen but i can dream)

dick2bomb January 3, 2017 1:38 am

There is something depressingly funny about this taking place in America and the gun that keeps popping up all throughout the story. Like, you knew it was eventually going to be made into a bigger deal, but, before that, it was like this reappearing/disappearing prop that almost seemed like it was part of a gag. By being made into a joke, it's almost naturalized, much how gun violence is naturalized in America. I don't know if it was supposed to be that deep, but I thought I'd just share my take on that. *shrugs*

    trash January 3, 2017 3:01 am

    i dont think its that deep but im still shook after reading this

    dick2bomb January 3, 2017 3:28 am
    i dont think its that deep but im still shook after reading this trash

    lol I mean, it probably wasn't meant to be that deep, but as someone who lives in America, it could definitely be taken as a dig, and, as someone who is majoring in English, I sometimes find it hard not to over-analyze every story I read. (._. ; )
    sorry if shit got real suddenly.

    Cheylord January 3, 2017 4:35 am
    lol I mean, it probably wasn't meant to be that deep, but as someone who lives in America, it could definitely be taken as a dig, and, as someone who is majoring in English, I sometimes find it hard not to over... dick2bomb

    gun violence isnt naturalized, people generallly take it the same way as they take knife or vehicle violence......

    dick2bomb January 3, 2017 4:40 am
    gun violence isnt naturalized, people generallly take it the same way as they take knife or vehicle violence...... Cheylord

    Gun violence is very much naturalized in America. We have lockdown drills for Christ sake. Every school in America is taught how to handle a situation with an armed person entering the building because it happens so often. And people do not handle gun violence as they do knife or vehicle violence. Vehicle violence isn't contested as much as gun violence because vehicles aren't meant to be used as weapons. And knives are also not meant to be aimed at people but are generally used in food preparation. Guns were made with one purpose and that purpose is to kill or harm another human being. You really cannot compare guns to knives and cars.

    Cheylord January 3, 2017 5:05 am
    Gun violence is very much naturalized in America. We have lockdown drills for Christ sake. Every school in America is taught how to handle a situation with an armed person entering the building because it happe... dick2bomb

    uh, guns were made for 1. hunting and 2. self defense. that is their official and historical use. blades were created for survival and self defense as well. also, people who harm others dont give a crap about what something was made for, they'll use anything that works. the only reason guns are used more is because they are easier to hide + less expensive than a vehicle and quicker/more effective than a blade. if everyone had and knew how to use a gun, the only people getting killed by them would be the agressor. and i would say that yes, you definitely could compare guns and vehicles. one truck going 60 mph could kill way more people per second than a gun, AND could not be stopped by an outside force. so, yes, vehicles are much more deadly than guns, theyre just not generally used for that purpose.

    dick2bomb January 3, 2017 5:22 am
    uh, guns were made for 1. hunting and 2. self defense. that is their official and historical use. blades were created for survival and self defense as well. also, people who harm others dont give a crap about... Cheylord

    Hunting and self defense are modern day uses of guns but they were made to be used in war, ie to kill people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_firearm THAT is their historical use. And your point of bad people finding bad means is meaningless when vehicular manslaughter happens about 300 times per year whereas gun homicides are somewhere around 11,000. http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-34996604.
    Google is free to use and I recommend it when you next need to look up the actual history and statistics behind things you want to ignorantly discuss.

    Cheylord January 3, 2017 5:37 am
    Hunting and self defense are modern day uses of guns but they were made to be used in war, ie to kill people. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_firearm THAT is their historical use. And your point of... dick2bomb

    sorry, but i dont trust a site like wikipedia, where anyone can post whatever they want, to tell me the truth. if war was their origional use, that doesnt matter because (as you said yourself) they are now made for hunting and self defense. and again, guns are used so often because they are useful for that, not because they were "made for killing humans". vehicles are not used as often because (once again) they are expensive, therefore harder to obtain. i was not saying anything about how many times per year each are used to kill, i was saying that (again) a vehicle is capable of much more damage than a gun. for example, in countries where guns are illegal, pressure cookers and vehicles are used as a substitute for guns. and please, quit the sarcastic jabs, they only make you look immature. but i guess that was made apparent when you decided to relate a yaoi to the real world.

    dick2bomb January 3, 2017 5:59 am

    Lot of points being made so I simplified everything for you in number format:
    1) Wikipedia is home to multiple sources under every article and devs monitor what changes can be made. (also, you sound like you probably still attend high school because college level professors actually recommend starting with wikipedia for research projects and then branching out from the sources each article provides.)
    2) I did not say that hunting and self defense were the ONLY uses for modern day guns. Wars are being waged actively with guns right now. They were made to fight wars and they will continue to be used until the human race finds a more efficient way to kill each other.
    3) Vehicles are not going to burst into a school setting and take out a bunch of kids. Guns are more deadly based on how frequently they are used to kill. It doesn't matter how many people a car can take out at a time. Guns are deadlier than cars in that they are used more often and more efficiently because, hey, you guessed it, THEY WERE MADE TO KILL PEOPLE. THAT WAS THEIR INTENDED USE.
    4) I'm laughing my ass off here that you even had the audacity to relate gun violence to pressure cooker violence. Like, what made you think that was even a good argument??
    5) I'll be as sarcastic as I damn well please. ; )
    6) All media, no matter how small, has an influence on its audience and interpreting it isn't something I'm going to be made ashamed of or feel immature for. Please go find someone else to try and belittle because you lost this one.

    trash January 3, 2017 7:11 am
    lol I mean, it probably wasn't meant to be that deep, but as someone who lives in America, it could definitely be taken as a dig, and, as someone who is majoring in English, I sometimes find it hard not to over... dick2bomb

    nah its fine

    Cheylord January 3, 2017 7:21 am
    Lot of points being made so I simplified everything for you in number format:1) Wikipedia is home to multiple sources under every article and devs monitor what changes can be made. (also, you sound like you pr... dick2bomb

    1. i only trust sources when i know who is editing/writing them, so that i know that they are not biased.
    2. a gun does not have a specific use, the wielder is the one who chooses whether it protects or kills
    3. there are about 11,000 gun homicides per year and 32,000 vehicle deaths per year; which one is more dangerous again?
    4. because it is an alternative to guns, please read thoroughly
    5-6. you sound as if you have the maturity of a middle schooler, you are delusional if you take a yaoi seriously (they're made to entertain, not instruct), i belittle you because of your maturity level, sensitivity, and the fact that you belittled me first when i did nothing to insult you while just trying to have a discussion, and i do not know what you mean by lost, seeing as there is no winning or losing to discussion by definition.

    dick2bomb January 3, 2017 9:15 am

    You either aren't grasping what I'm saying or you don't want to acknowledge anything I've said. You're logic is "guns don't kill people. people kill people." Like, Jesus, man. I didn't know the NRA read yaoi but here you are. (Also only 300/32000 vehicle deaths were intended to kill, which is what actually matters here. The concept of a vehicle as a "weapon".)
    And, no, you try to belittle me because you obviously have some kind of inferiority complex and the only way you can feel good about yourself is starting arguments and correcting people on online forums. (I've already seen you commenting on other people's topics to correct spelling mistakes. You're just a grade A asshole who thinks they're better than everyone else and you feel like you constantly need to prove it.)

    Cheylord January 3, 2017 9:13 pm
    You either aren't grasping what I'm saying or you don't want to acknowledge anything I've said. You're logic is "guns don't kill people. people kill people." Like, Jesus, man. I didn't know the NRA read yaoi bu... dick2bomb

    ok, think what you will, i at least have comfort in knowing my own intentions rather than just assuming everyone elses. you people constantly feel that you're being attacked nowadays, and i don't want to bother trying to reason with people like you anymore. you're just another perfect example of why people like me give up on trying to better the world. goodbye.

    dick2bomb January 3, 2017 9:29 pm

    Oh God. What a martyr complex. You aren't bettering the world. You're just trying to find enjoyment by shitting on everyone online. Later douche!

dick2bomb November 29, 2016 9:37 am

Again, the translator's notes were highlights. I'm always looking forward to reading this one because of the translator's fun personality.

    Anonymous November 30, 2016 4:24 am

    Exactly! He is also the FIRST translator that I love so much!! The fact that he respects the author made me enjoy reading his piece of work (this manga).
    Lots of heart to you, translator and everyone that work on this!!!!!

dick2bomb November 21, 2016 10:49 pm

I'm fucking crying at how funny the translator is. I'm so sorry you have to deal with a bunch of untranslateable words. You're doing a great job regardless!

dick2bomb September 28, 2016 6:44 pm

Everyone getting on the uke for "cheating". Like, he's been traumatized to the point where he feels like a physiological reaction he's experiencing makes him a bad/dirty person and he feels an overwhelming amount of guilt because of it. This is victim blaming 101. He's actually tearing himself down and thinking "Oh yeah that was consensual because my body reacted positively." when really he's been conditioned to feel that way because of his trauma. There's no way that was consensual. Come on, guys.

    MyWeirdNormal October 16, 2016 9:23 pm

    Yes, thank you, exactly what I'm thinking too.

    RTYSTIK1 November 4, 2016 10:21 pm

    He wasn't conditioned to be a M..and he said that he wasn't scared of being raped but about the fact that he liked the idea of it and of being bound/ handled roughly..that was one incident that "awakened" desires he didn't know he had..true he didn't ask for that to happen but he wasn't completely against it..and it's not an excuse for him to cheat on his lover especially when he didn't even give him a chance to see if he could be what he wanted

    dick2bomb November 5, 2016 12:40 am
    He wasn't conditioned to be a M..and he said that he wasn't scared of being raped but about the fact that he liked the idea of it and of being bound/ handled roughly..that was one incident that "awakened" desir... RTYSTIK1

    Dude, you do know that this is like self-deprecating talk that's instilled in people who have suffered from sexual abuse where they just put the blame on themselves, right? He was "awakened". He "likes it". This is bullshit talk generally used by rapists who are excusing their own behavior and convincing their victims that they actually want it. And "cheating" isn't what went down here. He was assaulted. He's not to blame.

    RTYSTIK1 November 5, 2016 4:48 am
    Dude, you do know that this is like self-deprecating talk that's instilled in people who have suffered from sexual abuse where they just put the blame on themselves, right? He was "awakened". He "likes it". Thi... dick2bomb

    you said used by RAPISTs...the brother HIMSELF said that he's a masochist and likes to be handled roughly...i also said that yes he didn't ask for it but he willingly gave the director a blow..he didn't even try to resist! Just because he shoved his crotch in his face didn't mean he had to go along with it...I hate when rapes occur in stories and are used in a way to make it seem okay but I wouldn't say he was assaulted sexually..assaulted from being pushed and locked in handcuffs? sure...sexually harassed when he put his crotch in his face? sure...when he didn't refuse and willingly gave him a blow job? No...and he might've gone further had his brother not come home..they're both to blame and he did cheat..you can say he had a momentary lapse in judgement or succumbed to his desires but he wasn't forced..hell he could've bit it off or something..also take a look at the link for ch. 3 and see if you can still say the same.

    dick2bomb November 5, 2016 7:28 am
    you said used by RAPISTs...the brother HIMSELF said that he's a masochist and likes to be handled roughly...i also said that yes he didn't ask for it but he willingly gave the director a blow..he didn't even tr... RTYSTIK1

    honestly, i dont know how you can read these two instances and not realize that he's been conditioned to think or feel a certain way. just because his body reacted, doesnt mean he wanted it.
    and here he's being threatened. like??? it doesnt actually matter that he's a masochist?? he blatantly says he hates this guy. there is no consent or safe word given beforehand. and submissiveness and silence is not consent. congrats on perpetuating rape culture.

    RTYSTIK1 November 6, 2016 12:19 am

    *sigh*..in order for him to "conditioned" to react to masochistic actions he would need to be exposed to them over and over again for a period of time and taught that it feels good/ or that he likes it. You're using the term "condition" wrong and that's the problem. You're assuming that all relationships that use bondage or are rough have safe words or ask for consent and they don't..and so you're just going to blatantly disregard this? I guess for the sake of your argument you'd have too
    ,,he should hate it but he doesn't..why because he's finally getting what he wants what he desires that he wasn't getting from his bf. If it was his Bf instead of the director would you still be saying the same thing?? It all comes down to the fact that he didn't force him..whether he actually said yes or didn't, the brother did in fact by his own WILL give the man a blow job..just because he got turned on didn't mean he had too.. don't ever tell me I'm perpetuating a rape culture so you can be a smartass.. this will get nowhere so you feel how you feel and I'll stick with what I know

    MyWeirdNormal November 6, 2016 12:51 am

    This is a prime example why we have rapists. Because people don't realize what rape is and they blame the victim instead. And rapists see this and they go off thinking that what they're doing is acceptable because it's not really rape. They can manipulate a person, shame them, make them feel unsafe, blackmail them, it doesn't matter. Society will still tell them that it's not rape. That they're not to blame. In the end all the blame is put on the victim and not their attacker. This is it.
    And a quick lesson in bdsm: it's rape if there is no consent. It's not rough sex, it's not bondage, it's not in the bdsm, submissive-dominant relationship at all. It's rape. That's why safe words are important. To make sure bdsm relationship don't cross the line into rape because it makes sure that everything going on is consensual. I don't know where you're getting your info, but every dominant, submissive, switch I've met knows that this is extremely important in the community.

    dick2bomb November 6, 2016 7:46 pm
    *sigh*..in order for him to "conditioned" to react to masochistic actions he would need to be exposed to them over and over again for a period of time and taught that it feels good/ or that he likes it. You're ... RTYSTIK1

    "Conditioned", as defined by a quick google search which you apparently cannot do for yourself, is "having a significant influence on or to determine the manner or outcome of something". How many times it happens has no relevancy. It only takes one traumatic even to happen for a person to be traumatized. And, I suppose, either your reading comprehension is too low to be able to grasp any of these concepts or nuances or you just want to remain ignorant and continue confusing BDSM with rape. In this case, I have a recommendation for you:

    dick2bomb November 6, 2016 7:47 pm
    "Conditioned", as defined by a quick google search which you apparently cannot do for yourself, is "having a significant influence on or to determine the manner or outcome of something". How many times it happe... dick2bomb

    slip of the finger

    dick2bomb November 6, 2016 7:49 pm
    This is a prime example why we have rapists. Because people don't realize what rape is and they blame the victim instead. And rapists see this and they go off thinking that what they're doing is acceptable beca... MyWeirdNormal


    nema February 27, 2017 5:12 pm

    eh is this one time thing or it happens again ? i mean there are comments that are saying he keeps on going with it with the director it it true?

    Anonymous June 5, 2017 7:10 am
    He wasn't conditioned to be a M..and he said that he wasn't scared of being raped but about the fact that he liked the idea of it and of being bound/ handled roughly..that was one incident that "awakened" desir... RTYSTIK1

    YES!! So true!

    jamaicangurl92 June 13, 2017 3:50 pm
    He wasn't conditioned to be a M..and he said that he wasn't scared of being raped but about the fact that he liked the idea of it and of being bound/ handled roughly..that was one incident that "awakened" desir... RTYSTIK1

    Totally agree.

    クビー August 1, 2017 5:21 pm
    you said used by RAPISTs...the brother HIMSELF said that he's a masochist and likes to be handled roughly...i also said that yes he didn't ask for it but he willingly gave the director a blow..he didn't even tr... RTYSTIK1

    I agree. At the end of the day It was Ryuu's choice(with the director) that made the difference.

    iwantarory August 25, 2018 1:44 pm

    As a survivor, can I just say that this is exactly how it goes? While cheating isn't acceptable, I actually hated how little he thought of himself. Because that's how it works - all it takes is one incident to convince you that you deserve to be treated like crap, and then when the manipulation begins, you're definitely not going to recognise it or break away from it easily.

    I can't finish this manga, sorry. It's way too triggering.

dick2bomb August 22, 2016 6:35 pm

It's such a shame that this one had such potential and the anime was executed pretty poorly. Character design (in terms of aesthetic) was great but, as opposed to the manga, the anime's plot is rushed and none of the characters ease you into their personalities or development. It's basic storytelling to show and not tell but the anime did a really poor job of that.

dick2bomb July 21, 2016 2:56 am

Alright, so, it might not be the nicest way, but im like 95% sure kousuke is just trying to get setagawa to be honest with himself. It's just wrapped up in this reverse psychological tactic. And you have to admit, it's certainly an interesting way to go about it.

    dick2bomb August 22, 2016 8:57 pm


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