I just wanna say this loud and clear that Lerajay is one greedy bitch , like idk what it is that she has against Ginger but she is constantly at it (trying to take away everything that she has that is) . Of course that bastard of a fiancé is at fault for constantly cheating when he has such a beautiful woman in front of him but that pretentious bitch , even though she knew that he has a betrothed, she still made a move on him (I might be wrong about who made a move on who in regards of the whole cheating scandal so please don’t shy away from correcting me) to make herself feel superior to Ginger cause deep inside , I’m guessing that she has this huge inferiority complex cause tbh , people that have superiority complexes actually have inferiority complexes which is why , just like this bitch does , they trick themselves into thinking they’re better than everyone when in truth , you’re just a piece of caca !!!
That was unnecessarily long but so is this bitches existence in the manhwa like GOD I HATE THIS BITCH

Very few people have seen my comment that I deleted but to those that have , I would like to sincerely apologize for using the R slur to express my anger towards seungho not being able to understand his emotions and express himself . I am reflecting and am deeply disappointed in myself for having used this word without considering how hurtful and offensive it is cause I wasn’t educated on it’s meaning enough to understand that . I am grateful to those that have pointed it out to me and have educated me on this . I swear to never use this word in the future and will make sure to never make the same mistake ever again

This is the degrading term that I used in my deleted comment :
Growing up , I’ve heard my ignorant piece of shit cousins use this slur and many other degrading , hurtful and offensive words/ slur like this . I obviously didn’t use the ones that were clearly inappropriate and offensive cause I am the type that doesn’t stand disrespect wether if it’s towards minorities, the lgbtq community or people suffering from disabilities and many other communities that are constantly put down in today’s society (which is why I am heavily disappointed in myself cause I’ve done the same thing the people I detest do) but for this one word , I only learned today that it held a meaning different than that that I thought it did . That being me thinking it was a synonym for dumb and stupid when it really wasn’t . So , once again , I am deeply sorry for having done something so disrespectful
To the irrelevant mf trying his best to dig out shit from everyone else’s asses when he ain’t even wiping the remaining shit stuck up his asshole , I’m gonna shove a metal rod so far up your asshole to point of impaling your intestines so bad that you’re left with shitting blood for the next couple months cause sweetie , no one gives a flying fuck about you so kindly stop this bullshit that you’re doing and kindly fuck off