Totally want the doc to fxck Shion. Rui sucks right know, and he deserves it. I hate how he treats Shion. ANYWAY - update pleeeeaseeee, my bisexual ass is dying out here. Does anyone have the raws?

u can google the japanese title (listed on this page) and it will send show alot of japanese only website links. all of which u have to ofc pay for the comic to view it (i like this comic but not enough to go thru the struggle of trying to register on a foreign site that might not even take overseas transactions even for a digital medium like webtoons/ebooks)
its being officially translated on coolmic.me a site that has a bunch of japanese webtoons in english. you have to pay if u want to read i there but it only has up to chpt 18 anyway. also the website is ONLY accessible via ur phone browser. not an app and if u search it on ur comp it will just show u a banner page telling u to read the site on ur phone. the last update was back in late July and it has no listed dated for the next english release. its up to 23 in japan, idk if thats the final chpt or not. since its official translation i assume they will resume the releases eventually. who the heck knows when tho lol. i hope this helped? a little?

Oh boi pls tell me Shell got that shot and that Eric isn’t dead and the last scene isn’t a Dream. BECAUSE IT LOOKED LIKE ONE.

Nonono. While I understand why it may look that way, don't worry, he's alive. Eric came up with a plan to make it LOOK like Shell had killed him. But if you check chapter 61, page 19, you'll notice Eric holding something correct? Yes, well, Eric must have put that thing inside his shirt, and told Shell to shoot him at that spot. So what everybody saw was just Shell killing a powerful common enemy of both, the vampires and the humans.
Also like if Eric is is really dead, I'm going on a murder spree bigger than this, fear not.
No Mr. Han, you may not.
Please leave. Thanks.