I can see why he ain’t go with them girls he was wrapped up in other things and he couldn’t figure out anything he had so much hatred n shit felt like he had no one even if he did how could he possibly be in a relationship wit them when he was focused on other things he would’ve most likely ruined the relationship they had if he did get with them and that elf hoe I hate her bitch is fake she had feelings for the mf who wit the black n white hair even though she knew what he did to Niro so Ian even messing wit her all like that but that slave girl was a real good match but atm Niro was caught up in things I hope he can find a bad lil thang n make them everyone jealous he deserves more than what he receiving.
it’s so good but the last few chapters 48-49 got me confused i need a break down
I don't understand it much either but maybe it has to do with that claw orokapi saw on his eye??
i think maybe the guy (dude that was talking with alula) is either the human that the gods are looking for (the human that is stronger than gods) bc of the marking he has im also confused lol
YEAH THAT the animal thing