kim_dokjas_ass's feed

kim_dokjas_ass created a topic of Dear Benjamin 1.5

The new art style compared to the old one reminds me of the “unspoken rizz vs sexual harassment” meme BC THATS GENUINELY WHAT IT FEELS LIKE.

I dont wanna bash the new artist or anything bc they honestly draw better than I can so who am I to judge…but I definitely can see what people mean by the art style not fitting the story.

The original one made it seem so…idk…poetic? Sweet? Endearing? Not sure what word I’m looking for but there was this lovely vibe about the art that made it feel more than just yaoi.

The new one gives 2017 yaoi. It leaves an odd taste in your mouth. It no longer feels as genuine. ML went from “I’ll see you in my dreams hehe” to “eughhhh he’s gonna be showing up in my nightmares.”

It’s a shame the original artist had to go and be a doodoo head. Like girl could you have least waited until you finished this series? /j