You fool, you absolute moron, you're so utterly idiotic that you are unable to tell that thighs are of higher quality than those grim ass and boobs. You are a mere townsmen to not get the fact that thy thighs serve a better purpose! I wish you an, indeed, hideous evening!
When people refer to characters as uke or seme, bottom or top, etc., very often, his sounds cringe and very weird to me. Ex: "OMG UKE IS FREAKING ADORABLE" (copied and pasted from a comment ಠ_ಠ) It's almost as if calling the characters by those terms is belittling them based on their sexual positions (if that makes sense...). I get that they......
First off, you’re a child and you can’t just come up and argue with people older and more experienced than you. We that are older (and as a member of the LGBTQ) know what we’re talking about when we say other people are allowed to watch them but not fetishize them, there is a difference clearly. The younger ones in Gen z are really out there ......
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