well, I am here and using it, aren't I? What I do not like, however, is when people try to defend reading here under the guise of "I'm broke" specifically targeted to stealing officially paid English translations, like from Lezhin. Reading manga is not a necessity, you're not going to physically die without it. You're stealing off the author, takin......
This is the first of the trilogy in which a young adult named Tsutomu encounters a beautiful young girl swimming in the town he has come to visit one summer. The thing is, that was no girl. That was a little boy—a ten-year-old little boy, at that. Tsutomu (Later nicknamed 'Mokkun' by the titular Pico) comes to realize that while being a pedophi......
People who fetishize BL and yaoi. People who dismiss and defend shit characters, specifically abusive ones who: rape, abuse in everyway, torment and kidnap the victim. The reason for this dismissal of their absolutely vile deeds is and I quote: 'he's daddy stfu' 'but but he had such a sad backstory' 'ok but he looks hot so' 'I stan (abusive chara......
i'm not going to participate in this conversation because i have too much to say and an extremely unpopular opinion, but i just wanna say if i see any one of these answers invalidating the author and artist's hard work like "ah, well we deserve to read this for free without the author's consent AND treat the author horribly too! aha!" i will throw ......
This is like a thief asking other thieves “is stealing bad”
get the fuck out of here with that bull shit first of all, no it does not mean they fetishize heterosexuality second of all, its "worse" bc it reinforces the idea that the only acceptable homosexuals are the ones used to promote the sexual gratification of straight people and literally fetishizing them. this also dehumanizes them in the process si......
it's not too late to delete this
So the question is: If LGBTQ+ members watch/read straight porn does that mean they're fetishizing it? And why is straights fetishizing homosexuals worse than homosexuals fetishizing straights? Umm..... No??? If an LGBTQ+ member watches or reads any sort of heterosexual porn I don't think they're fetishizing it, to me I think this question need more......
1) completely ignore all the problems that make the said BL problematic because the sex scenes are 'hot'. If you arent able to separate a sex scene from a literal rapey situation just because two men are having intercourse, that's not a good sign at all.
2) make BL references that carry on to things that aren't even BL-related (Literally, the other day I saw an Instagram post on how to draw waists. WAISTS. and people in the comments were making references to 'Top' and 'Bottom' and going so far as to calling it a 'yaoi reference' This is not fucking okay.), and even real life. Shipping people in real life is not okay.
3) use the 'fiction isn't reality, therefore it's okay to glorify problematic media' argument to justify these behaviours. 1. Fiction is often based on reality, 2. If a manga was made featuring incest, pedophilia, rape etc. (Ive been using that word too much sorry lol couldn't find a better one bc my English isn't that great) would that not say something about what the author thinks and finds acceptable? Whatever fiction you look at is always going to be a reflection of what's in the creator's mind, so yes reality and fiction are related.
Feel free to have a discussion or add anything I didn't put here under this post.

Sorry that was probably a bit rash, and I will most likely receive my share of dislikes haha but gosh, I- (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
What do you think about illegal manga sites?