wait can someone remind me who Gilsoo is?
I'd also like to know
It’s the guy Yeonjo went to for resources (I.e. poison) which is the same guy who butt heads with the guy in last frame who is now to kill him.
thank you
thank u!
some of ya'll need to touch grass
....holy shit
I- wow
the author took ‘bussy’ to the next level lmfao
my intuition is telling me he wants mujin lord have mercy
idk if I'll ever find something quite like this, a real treasure
holy fuck
is this what insanity looks like
I feel so sorry for Yeon, no one should suffer like he has
wait can someone remind me who Gilsoo is?
I'd also like to know
It’s the guy Yeonjo went to for resources (I.e. poison) which is the same guy who butt heads with the guy in last frame who is now to kill him.
thank you
thank u!