Witnessing an alpha maliciously inject pheromones into a beta to transform them into an obedient omega is nauseating. The beta is left powerless against their own body and mind. If only they had a magical portal to teleport them out of this pheromone-induced nightmare! Maybe then I could sleep better at night!
Seriously, finding "omegaverse" in the BL/yaoi genre is like finding hair in your soup; it’s disgusting, doesn’t belong there, and needs to be swiftly removed
Just when you think you’ve seen it all, in swoops "omegaverse" with its new brand of cringe. I wish I had a magic wand to make the whole "omegaverse" and "mpreg" fiasco vanish into thin air ... poof!
I'm skeptical about "omegaverse" being "good and heart-warming"
"Not all omegaverse is bad" is like saying "not all poison ivy is itchy." Do you want to risk finding out?
A few "omegaverse" stories aren't written in a rapey, "sorry officer, I was following my nose, pheromones made me do it" way, but most are, and I won't give the whole genre a pass. I'll stick to my popcorn and omegaverse-free lifestyle
I decided to give the "alpha/alpha" and "alpha/beta" thing a try. As soon as the beta started morphing into an omega, I slammed the brakes and hit the eject button. So, to clarify, I'm not just "not reading" omegaverse. I'm taking pleasure in campaigning for its complete banishment from the internet
Straight media and "straight" with extra steps-style media like "omegaverse" and "futanari" are the bottom of the literary barrel, the worst of the worst, the scraps of non-creativity I wouldn't feed to a starving raccoon. If you're consuming them, it's time for a diet change
It's my sworn duty as the High Priest of Good Taste to steer people away from questionable tastes/preferences. Bow before my mighty gavel of judgment, and I shall lead you to the promised land of refined and enlightened non-straight media. Trust me, you'll thank me later
Stories like this are to "BL/yaoi/gay media" what a tuna sandwich is to vegetarian/vegan cuisine, utterly incompatible. The central premise, wherein a man transforms into a woman to become "fuckable" or a viable partner, reeks of misogyny, homophobia and lack of imagination, exposing society's irrational aversion to genuine male-male relationships and activities. "Straight" media is vying for an "imaginatively challenged" award, I see
To those of you who support the "straight" agenda and its fetishization of women's bodies, yet scold us BL/yaoi fans as "fetishizers" for our (perfectly valid) disinterest in "straight/bi" content, I proffer a mirror of introspection. It is within your reflections that the fetishizers will be revealed, the "straight" lifestyle fetishizers—the worst of the lot. You are the villains in your own misguided tale