I'm sorry but I HATE people who don't set boundaries when they have a partner. Like if you know that someone is flirting/interested, WHYYY would you just not completely block them off and tell them no?? Like I get that you're "too much of a good guy or whatever" but still.
Honestly Minato deserves better
Tomita and Kitagawa deserve better!!!
Ok it's been a long time since I commented this so I don't remember a whole lot but I DO remember how Tomita's bf completely disregarded his feelings about him not wanting the bf to pretend to be Natsume's bf in front of the ex and Kitagawa was ALSO so uncomfortable!!! Like what was the point of that??? The ex found out anyway!!! Why would you ever suggest or agree to something so weird ESPECIALLY when your significant others seem uncomfortable with it???
Oh yeah i just noticed your comment was a year ago my bad but hey it's nice to reminisce and come back once in a while right? Lmao anyways i asked to elaborate cause i haven't read volume 3 yet lol I'm scared because of y'alls comments but should i continue? I really want this to end on a happy note not to mention the volume 5 is most likely going to take a while.
That was actually SOOOOO satisfying when he broke up with Kaoru cuz nowadays if a partner is slightly cheating or something in a manga their partner is always like "I have to win him back!!! I have to show that I'm the better man!!!" But that's not a very healthy thing to be experiencing is it? Like if your partner is being too friendly with other people you SHOULD dump them and not go around proving that you're better to trash