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Kawaii_meinu February 16, 2025 8:23 am

The author should have resolved everything like the thing with his dead wife. And who was the woman visiting her grave?? He says he loved the ex-wife but the woman says he didn't so which one is it really (sorry the dead wife trope always pmo)

Also who does Hideaki likeeee I'm so curious

    Kawaii_meinu February 16, 2025 8:26 am

    Also what is he talking about "I won't make the same mistake again" shit's pissing me offfffff

    MapleMatryoshka February 17, 2025 1:31 pm
    Also what is he talking about "I won't make the same mistake again" shit's pissing me offfffff Kawaii_meinu

    Some authors like to leave things to be read between the lines! I have a pretty solid idea of what’s going on, but I’m certain it will be resolved eventually.

    If it’s gonna be riddled with cliches -That woman might make a comeback and be soap opera character towards Ai, it’ll probably end as a passionate confession that CEO will overhear lol

    Tomosen February 18, 2025 6:20 am

    The woman at the grave (speculated) her friend or sis…

    Kawaii_meinu February 18, 2025 12:50 pm

    Sorry guys I didn't realise that there was a third volume. Shouldn't have spoken too early. I will reserve my judgement for the end of the series

    Puppyboy Agend-er February 19, 2025 7:17 pm

    1. Hideaki is Okumi. It's his first name.

    2. Uchida and Saeki ((who you mistook for Okumi)) are dating.

    3. The woman at the grave was probably the sister of the deceased wife. She's speaking from an outsider's perspective so to her it looked like Okumi never loved his wife before she passed. Imho she's just being a self-righteous cunt who is using the loss of a loved one to be a bitch.

    4. Okumi was speaking about how he has had issues with being open about how he feels. His inability to express that although he tends to like men more often than women he *did* eventually come to love his wife-- albeit a lil too late. He probably never got the chance to tell her since her disease cut her life awfully short.

    Take a chill pill and maybe do a quick reread the next time you decide to get all in a tissy over something you don't understand.

    Kawaii_meinu February 20, 2025 1:45 am
    1. Hideaki is Okumi. It's his first name.2. Uchida and Saeki ((who you mistook for Okumi)) are dating.3. The woman at the grave was probably the sister of the deceased wife. She's speaking from an outsider's pe... Puppyboy Agend-er

    Are you slow? Or are you unable to follow your own advice?? Did you not see that I just don't like the cliche dead wife trope no matter if he has intimacy issues or not?? And whatever you are talking about is just based on assumptions so please keep your interpretations to yourself if you wanna be a little b*tch about it.

    Also I did apologise when I realised there was going to be a 3rd volume but maybe you didn't see that. Not surprising even though you go around telling people to reread things but I digress. He "probably" never got to tell her. Yeah that's the part that I want more clarity about. When did they realise she was going to die. Did he realise after she was gone or before?? Usually in mangas there is more backstory given to such issues (again I didn't know that there was going to be a third volume and I apologised)

Kawaii_meinu September 26, 2024 4:19 am

Robin is such a cutieeee

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