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niicoke September 27, 2020 12:32 pm

ayo is it just me or has the art quality gone down, shit was lookin immaculate at the beginning now they got hen lookin BEAT and the plot kinda sus rn not feelin her. rip

niicoke September 23, 2020 3:43 am

not y’all stanning seungho for doing the BARE minimum, we just gonna forget all about the rape and manipulation and chock it up to character development?? lol ii

    peridot September 23, 2020 3:09 am

    seugho b like “yeah let’s g@ngr@pe nakyum” and then gets mad when everyone was okay with it (thank god my sweet child nakyum was not r@ped, i would’ve lost it) like oh wow you grew a conscience one time & people jumping on the seungho bandwagon?? nah i can’t really see him being redeemed at this point

    niicoke September 23, 2020 3:11 am
    seugho b like “yeah let’s g@ngr@pe nakyum” and then gets mad when everyone was okay with it (thank god my sweet child nakyum was not r@ped, i would’ve lost it) like oh wow you grew a conscience one time... peridot


    mochiiro September 23, 2020 3:38 am


    Yaoi-lover667 September 23, 2020 3:39 am

    no. we remember. but if I had to choose him or his teacher, the teacher can go rot in hell.

    Yaoi-lover667 September 23, 2020 3:40 am

    no. we remember. but if I had to choose him or his teacher, the teacher can go rot in hell. ( ̄へ ̄)

    kenma supremacy September 23, 2020 3:42 am
    no. we remember. but if I had to choose him or his teacher, the teacher can go rot in hell. ( ̄へ ̄) Yaoi-lover667

    yeah the teacher can rot too that man is absolute garbage (︶︿︶)=凸

    Pretty savage September 23, 2020 4:05 am

    I really agree, as a nakyum stan I'll always pick Nakyum's freedom and Happiness over a ship(well if he becomes happy with seungho there's nothing I can do I'll be happy as well bc I'll see him smile)
    Nakyum is always in my mind, imagine how happy he would be smelling the fresh flowers and enjoying the green environment and his freedom at a countryside or whatever.

    But whatever there's nothing I can do but read the story, hope it has a happy ending.

    kenma supremacy September 23, 2020 4:14 am
    I really agree, as a nakyum stan I'll always pick Nakyum's freedom and Happiness over a ship(well if he becomes happy with seungho there's nothing I can do I'll be happy as well bc I'll see him smile)Nakyum is ... Pretty savage

    YES YES YES!!! i love nakyum so much & he deserves the world (if he does end up with seungho,, i’ll be sad as all hell but as you said, if he’s happy i’ll b happy) i just want his happiness & freedom,, he’s suffered so much

    niicoke September 23, 2020 4:16 am
    I really agree, as a nakyum stan I'll always pick Nakyum's freedom and Happiness over a ship(well if he becomes happy with seungho there's nothing I can do I'll be happy as well bc I'll see him smile)Nakyum is ... Pretty savage

    yes yes yes nakyum supremacy

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