Ani's feed

Ani created a topic of Sayonara Alpha

Not like I mind this but I'm just thinking everytime that I visit this manga that if we were to reverse the situation and it was a male alpha (17 years old) being in love with a female omega (8 years old) and saying he wants to do it and that, I think people will have more violent reactions about this and would even think that the author is sick in the head and should be in jail for writing suggestive child pornography, I don't know, children in explicit contents even in fictional stories are most of the people's bottomline, I think, and glorifying these themes instead of using it to give awareness is just feeding a borderline pedophile whose about to lose it their sexual fantasies. I hope there's a way so they can get restricted for such content but internet is free, as long as you can access on these things, your sanity is your responsibility, and if you lose it and did it in real life, then you are weak brain and should be punished by law