Can you guys atleast understand that she grew up in Korea. Which is a veeeeery different culture to everyone here in the comments, I'm also living in a conservative country and I know it's really a pain to have these kinds of people in your business BUT 1) she's a teenager, 2) she thought being different is abnormal and thought she didn't want her chief village to experience the same because she knew how it feels 3) she recognized her actions were wrong and apologized, which most of the people won't do because they will always say "I'm doing this for your sake" and will even be angry if you call them out.
This girl is ok because she apologized, and I know there will be a day where she'll finally support these two, she'll find it all out on her own because on my personal experience and I think many of us were, just like I said, we lived in a conservative country, there was a point where we were homophobic (reason being raised by conservatives) but as I grew up and was introduced to gay media, I finally began to accept the fact that loving the same gender is normal and I even found out that I'm bisexual, so don't be so hard to this girl, there will be a redemption arc for her