Kamisito created a topic of Backlight

This is exactly what they call bread crumbs.. I'll keep my faith in yeongwoon tho

Its like the my take one step forward and two steps back ( ̄へ ̄)just talk it out

Kamisito answered question about question
This is craaazy ,,, I hope for your sake you're joking
Kamisito created a topic of Backlight

What's the author getting at by making him repeat exactly what SEO in said to him in the past (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜 and it ended before anything happened

Kamisito created a topic of Jinx

..he really wiped the floor with him and he even chose the worst time to tell him he was struggling to get him a gift ┗( T﹏T )┛

Kamisito answered question about your opinions
I feel like alot of readers gonna be offended by this but can some of us stay calm cause like she's questioning things
Kamisito created a topic of Bad Side

..on whose locker was the money in , was it put thereby someone else or did she mistaken it as hers (⊙…⊙ )

Kamisito like the answer
I feel like you can't really judge those who claim to be fujos when you get off to it. Its like being a golden trash bag among reg trash bags. But I can give grace since yaoi is supposed to be for female consumption. But I still think fujos are freaks bc wdym the only thing you read is gay men porn
Kamisito created a topic of Demon's Wish

That girl needs to get a grip ヾ(☆▽☆)

Kamisito followed a goer

I love weak fls
I love pathetic fls
I love cringey fls
I love dumb fls
I love kind hearted fls
I love evil fls
I love insane fls
I love toxic and problematic fls
I love in general allll female leads
I use the my experience as a diary so idrc 
Satomi ishihara and Gojo number one fan in the world

22 01,2024
Kamisito created a topic of Free in Dreams

How many versions of the same chapter do we need bro

Kamisito created a topic of Define The Relationship

. He's definitely not going anywhere any time soon ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Kamisito created a topic of Define The Relationship

I thought this gets updated every Saturday ┗( T﹏T )┛

Kamisito created a topic of Profundis

From all the craziness that's happening and ive always wanted him to end up with the Deputy commander (▰˘◡˘▰) it's a win win for me

Kamisito created a topic of Limited Run

Not what I was expecting

Kamisito created a topic of The Coast of The Waves

He shouldn't have done this without haewon consenting to this . This is Soo wrong bro

Kamisito created a topic of The Coast of The Waves

Waay better like the context is clear now and it's at the perfect chain of events ヾ(☆▽☆) thank you for sharing

Kamisito created a topic of Backlight

I don't know how to feel about this ..it seems like everyone wants a piece of yeongwoon and idk if I should feel bad about Haeyool or weirded out like hes literally fantasizing about both the mc and ml (⊙…⊙ )

Kamisito followed a goer

Yall suck

14 01,2024
Kamisito created a topic of Define The Relationship

Ash needs to get a grip bro like I'm more confused on what he wants from karlyle at this point ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭