Interesting story also anyone else hear the song "Carmen" play in their head while were reading this Lol

I read this manga while listening to this Aria. It was perfect and accurate.

I know a lot of people are saying how she should have died and how she's a bitch and a slut but were human beings. We express Love and affection differently and I don't think that she did anything really wrong when you're on your last moments of life you want to experience the best you can and at least she told them. I do feel sad for thoes 3 guys but I feel like together they will heal over time, everyone deals with pain differently who are we to judge

I can agree with you to some extent, however, dying (or being terminally ill) does not give a person the right to be so selfish as to destroy the lives of those that care about them. How the guys grieved was portrayed beautifully, IMO. Why they grieved is what bothers me. Yuma, Yuna, whatever her name was - drew three friends into her selfish whims. Not even bothering to tell one of them she was dying. That is not only selfish, but heartless as well. She deserves to be reincarnated as a dung beetle or a tapeworm. Sorry, that is just my opinion of people like her.

You're right, she wasn't a good person. I can understand that she wanted some normalcy, love, and sex during her last months. What I don't understand is what part of her thought it was okay to string someone innocent along and basically traumatize the fuck out of him. The black-haired dude was fine with her having other lovers. The senpai knew and accepted it (even if he wasn't really fine with it). Both of them were completely aware of the situation and her circumstances. But the last guy? He didn't know shit. And then he had to deal with his senpai, a dude he admired, blaming him for everything, raping him, and telling him to kill himself.
Bothered the fuck out of me...
I watched the anime and absolutely adoreeddd it I thought I should read the manha to see if it followed it it did to a certain extent but I'm glad they didn't follow through with the ending. She lived and everyone human and beast lived together...though she was missing part of her left arm Lol.
Technically all humans will awaken and become beast in time in the anime in the manga everyone dies again like devilman manga
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