Lemon created a topic of You Are So Lovely

Haewon is such a cutie. That side eye was so sassy.

Also, I thought the bear was a nice guy, but he actually turned out to be a green tea bitch?


Is the manga in the raw finish? How often is this updated?

Lemon created a topic of The Gangster at my Motel

He was dancing at her palm all the while. How sly.

Lemon created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

This needs MORE chapters, or like a side stories. This was so good. Gotta be one of the best PWP BL manhwa. I think I read this three or four times already including the raw.

Lemon created a topic of 1995 Youth Report
Lemon created a topic of Can I touch you?

I usually don't read straight (BG) R18 stories, but this one was HOT


Lemon created a topic of Ang Ang
Lemon created a topic of You Are So Lovely

Why do y'all make it sound like Juhyeok instigated all this? It's Lee Haewon who wanted this relationship. Lee Haewon NEVER saw Juhyeok as a parent in the first place. There's nothing incestuous about them, they're NOT related. Juhyeok agreed to the partnership only because of the rut cycle. He understands that if didn't find a partner for Lee Haewon, the latter would be in pain and suffer throughout the period. If it wasn't for it, I doubt he'd even consider it. Although Lee Haewon is only 3 years old, he's already considered an adult by Sooin standards.

Lemon created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

I finished the raws, it was delicious. I do not understand Korean, but the visual was enough to satiate my hunger. Lol

Lemon created a topic of Gay's Inferno

Oh, for once, I'm shipping the MC with a girl...in a BL manhwa. They look cute together

Lemon created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

This is just PWP...I love it.

Lemon created a topic of Nerd Project



Lemon created a topic of Honbul : Flame of the Soul

"If my weakness is exposed, I can just discard it"


Lemon created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

This manhwa needs MORE chapterS.

Lemon created a topic of You Are So Lovely

Ah shet that must've hurt for Haewon.

I'll be waiting for some angst, like Haewon running away from home or something... But I'm lowkey scared this might turn this manhwa into another Tree Without Roots if that happens. I would really drop this immediately if it does.

Lemon created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

I kinda get why the manhwa ends like that. If they followed the novel, a lot of people wouldn't like it. But still, this ending is no better imo. If they wanted this to end differently, they should've done it better.

Anyway, I think I prefer the novel's just so I can read this when I feel sad and make myself sadder.

Lemon created a topic of Nerd Project

This gotta be the bl manhwa with the longest break after a season. I've been waiting since forever.

Lemon created a topic of You Are So Lovely

I know I shouldn't use human logic here, and maybe turn off my brain while reading. Haewon is a wolf, he's basically a beast/animal, so him being 2-3 years old for adult wolf makes sense...but boy it's still weird. And the fact that the MC see him as a family, and as a child. The age prolly wouldn't matter much if the MC himself didn't thought of Haewon as such.