fatass July 31, 2024 1:42 pm

i really hope the little boy isn’t a love interest, he literally owns slaves….

fatass July 28, 2024 1:42 am

this seems really interesting yet tragic..let’s see how it goes

fatass July 25, 2024 2:51 am


fatass July 19, 2024 2:08 am

it’s really tiring seeing the mc compliment the dad and it being treated as some cute tsundere moment. It’s actually really frustrating to see this grown ass man rely on a child to stroke his ego. Reminds me of my childhood with my narcissistic parents

    Arthur Morgan my pookie wookie July 25, 2024 9:05 pm

    Right; genuinely my heart aches for her everytime she has to act to satisfy him. Not even because she's his real daughter, but because she's a child. In her past life she just endured abuse and she can't seem to catch a break even now

    fatass July 26, 2024 12:04 am
    Right; genuinely my heart aches for her everytime she has to act to satisfy him. Not even because she's his real daughter, but because she's a child. In her past life she just endured abuse and she can't seem t... Arthur Morgan my pookie wookie

    exactly, she’s literally just a child who is in constant fight or flight mode doing whatever she can to survive. I hate how this manwha is trying to get us to feel bad for the dad, the literal grown up in the situation?

fatass July 19, 2024 12:59 am

can someone spoil this for me please

fatass July 18, 2024 7:54 pm

i really adore the art style but the plot makes me wanna cry

fatass July 16, 2024 11:28 am

no actual justice is provided to the victim, the psycho guy just kills them all. this stuff gets boring after the millionth time of reading it. The art is beautiful but the writing is really lacking, i wish i could read more well written revenge mangas where there’s actual planning behind the revenge, the characters aren’t comically evil to the point of being boring,

    awooga July 16, 2024 3:23 pm

    This!!! I'm lowkey only reading it still bc the art looks fire, there's basically no substance to any of the characters, genuinely even Maria no danzai or whatever that manga with the hot mom killing her dead sons bullies has better plot than this

    tyrabae July 16, 2024 8:31 pm
    This!!! I'm lowkey only reading it still bc the art looks fire, there's basically no substance to any of the characters, genuinely even Maria no danzai or whatever that manga with the hot mom killing her dead s... awooga

    I'm kinda curious about the hot mom killing her dead son's bullies,do you mind telling me?

    Local simp July 16, 2024 10:25 pm
    I'm kinda curious about the hot mom killing her dead son's bullies,do you mind telling me? tyrabae


    fatass July 17, 2024 9:15 am
    This!!! I'm lowkey only reading it still bc the art looks fire, there's basically no substance to any of the characters, genuinely even Maria no danzai or whatever that manga with the hot mom killing her dead s... awooga

    If you want a good bullying revenge manga, I’d recommend to read Shark. The art style is wonky at first but it does get good and also the plot really makes up for it. I’d rather read smth where the art style is carried by the plot rather than the plot being carried by the art style.

    You might’ve already read it, but if not I highly encourage you to check it out. https://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/shark/

    haru July 17, 2024 5:48 pm

    this is the realest shit i've seeni had high hopes for this but the execution of the story is mid as fuck i thought it'd be like the brutal manga but bro is just straight up boring psycho the only thing that makes me stay here is the art

fatass July 6, 2024 10:19 am

another case seen in manwha where sigmund freud has been proven right. why are korean webtoons always like this? with weird incest shit?

    akibatomoe July 11, 2024 3:26 pm

    incest? who?

    neneko2222 July 11, 2024 4:04 pm

    No incest happened here? I think you commenting on another manhwa

    GareBear July 11, 2024 10:18 pm

    Are you lost?? Did your reading comprehension fail you?? Another case in which someone uses a wack psychologists name to prove that they don't know how to pay attention. With which eyeballs did you use to read this manhwa because incest never even occurred at all? I dearly hope this comment was left in the wrong comment section...

    Maro maro July 11, 2024 11:16 pm
    No incest happened here? I think you commenting on another manhwa neneko2222

    I think he meant not literal incest. In freud's theory, man can be attracted to someone veryyyy similar to his mother iirc case in point the emperor initially with Diana.

    GareBear July 12, 2024 1:18 am
    I think he meant not literal incest. In freud's theory, man can be attracted to someone veryyyy similar to his mother iirc case in point the emperor initially with Diana. Maro maro

    Ahhhh I see, that's my bad then. If its the Oedipus Complex then I see why. Yeah, thats a red flag alright oof

    neneko2222 July 12, 2024 2:37 am
    Ahhhh I see, that's my bad then. If its the Oedipus Complex then I see why. Yeah, thats a red flag alright oof GareBear

    Yeah mommy issues in simple terms

    fatass July 12, 2024 1:40 pm

    Yep, oedipus complex is a much better term. My bad, thanks for informing me

    fatass July 12, 2024 1:40 pm
    Are you lost?? Did your reading comprehension fail you?? Another case in which someone uses a wack psychologists name to prove that they don't know how to pay attention. With which eyeballs did you use to read ... GareBear

    ml is literally in love with a girl who acts and looks EXACTLY like his mother…how is that not slightly incestuous…

    neneko2222 July 12, 2024 2:02 pm
    ml is literally in love with a girl who acts and looks EXACTLY like his mother…how is that not slightly incestuous… fatass

    That is oedipus complex. Rather than incest stuff its more of mommy issues too. Plus its quite common to look for a partner who got similar qualities as your parents but yeah since the male lead got mommy issues he takes it to next level

fatass July 2, 2024 2:52 pm

This story fails to create a genuine emotional connection between the mc and the audience, and then expects us to go omg her life is so hard and tragic!! I’m sooo sad for her uwu. If you enjoyed this story, Good on you! I also enjoyed it enough to read it all then write a long ass criticism of it. Thank you in advance to anyone who reads this, and I really want anyone who disagrees to let me know why.

we know nothing substantial about mc that makes her likable as a character. she’s “hard working” and “smart” until when she tries to elope TWICE she has no plan whatsoever despite having access to so much money and education thanks to her background. Despite studying so hard, she ends up being trailed and attacked or captured and turned into a slave cos she took 1/NO guards!!! Wtf?? she’s apparently “kind” for letting her younger sister and fiancé walk all over her and also for remembering the name of a maid…??? How low is the bar??

Sure it’s sad that no one loves her, but why am i expected to care? The forms of “punishment” enacted on her are so damn tropey it’s actually comical. Everybody hates her for NO reason while adoring her younger sister, She’s forced to watch her fiancé fall in love with her weak younger sister, and she ends up suffering over and over again. Not to mention the last minute rape added in to add shock factor. Why would i care about this essentially piece of white bread being shitted on. Nothing about her suffering makes sense, so why should I care? You know what I would care about? An interesting, developed character having to deal with extremely personal and real issues. I’d feel bad if everyone hated her if, for example, she struggled with social cues. I’d feel bad for her having to study so much if i was shown that she actually had a life which was taken away from her, or if it was emphasised how her sister is able to do things she can’t. I’d feel bad for her fiancé cheating on her if there was an actual relationship between them

And lastly, “do you think you’re the only one miserable?” I cannot explain how much i hate this. The idea of her repeatedly suffering as some sort of punishment for her sins is actually a really, really interesting idea but then it’s trampled on by this lazy, last minute line. Is this the authors way of trying to make this story seem deep and invigorating? It’s just a cheap way of making us the audience feel bad because all of the shit that’s happened to her is invalidated by this character (Crow) who she seems to find solace in, and also to try and add some mystery. But guess what, i don’t care if the other characters are suffering! Why would we, when we are literally pitted to hate them.

there’s so much other stuff i could write about but in the end ive been typing and editing for half an hour now. This story touches on interesting albeit overused themes which i really enjoy, yet it utilises them badly which overall highlights the lack of love and care put into it

    mammu July 2, 2024 6:16 pm

    After so many deaths, she could have started collecting data to see how she can escape. How she can make/steal money, which are best places to hide... Anyone with little sense would improve on their situation. Though I am leaning towards her being in purgatory.

    ten July 2, 2024 10:58 pm

    i haven’t read the entirety of your comment yet but she honestly couldn’t afford to take any guards because nobody, including the servants like her in their house. it would probably go against her plans. and also after this much abandonment, no wonder she can’t trust anyone, guard or not, to be part of her plans.

    the punishments being tropey i completely agree with.

    however, we have been shown that she has had a terrible life. being devoid of affection and care for NO REASON at all, since she’s been treated like this since she was a child, i feel is enough of a reason to at least care a little? and you can’t exactly expect someone who’s lived through so many lives and suffering to still be sane enough to act in a very smart manner.

    also the characters hating her for absolutely no reason i feel like is some sort of “you can’t change fate” sort of plot since you can see soleil (iirc) try to break out of his hate in these more recent lives but he’s programmed to act a certain way and with a hateful disposition.

    personally, i think the most interesting part about this story is that she reincarnates when it’s ‘too late’ to change anything. as in, she’s already engaged to soleil and her sister already has a relationship with him so she can’t even stop it because just her own disposition makes it look more like she’s bashing on her own sister for hanging out with her (mc’s) fiance. i kind of prefer this to when they reincarnate extremely young and we never see the pre reincarnation story resurface again. but definitely agree that it should be more fleshed out and for her character to develop at a faster rate but this seems to be heading in the direction for tragedy.

    however, i still stand by the notion that we have been given enough reasons to want to to support illya despite her futile attempts which just showcases the frustrating situation she’s in where she feels she has no support and can’t put her trust even in guards

    ten July 2, 2024 11:01 pm
    After so many deaths, she could have started collecting data to see how she can escape. How she can make/steal money, which are best places to hide... Anyone with little sense would improve on their situation. ... mammu

    i feel like that is what makes this story realistic. after so many lives, it’s highly improbable to be sane enough to see reason that your life could ever change because nothing is giving you a sign that it’ll change. the average person would probably not be able to take that initiative after so much trauma that you HAVE to keep reliving. and there is no escape.

    the manga is leaning into the tragedy theme moreso than the improvement and happier life/ revenge theme. it’s just showcasing another type of theme if that makes sense.

    ten July 2, 2024 11:06 pm

    but yeah, it’s a messy story. the premise is good

    Mits July 3, 2024 6:04 am

    i get your criticisms, but i guess i always found the story compelling because it seems like she isn't actually able to make big decisions, just pulled along by some "plot" that other characters are pulled by just the same. like fiance guy thinking it was weird that he was so cold with her, i saw it as him being unable to control his own will and actions.
    honestly that there is no solid reasoning for why bad stuff happens to mc, why her family hates her, why she's unloved - i've always thought it was because she was stuck in a "plot" of some kind that she was aware of, but could do nothing to stop, or at the very least nothing to stop the major plot points. they haven't really revealed why bad stuff happens so its entirely speculation.
    but also - i think that mc's inability to think through her own actions is actually very well explained, because she's severely traumatized (from what we can see). your ability to make sound decisions, to act with proper emotional maturity, to make meaningful relationships, these are all affected by mental illness - which i think we can all pretty much agree she suffers from lol.
    i honestly thought the narrative of not being able to change anything, being pulled along with no control, is the point being made - about how trauma makes you feel entirely out of control with no ability to help yourself or your condition. i've considered it allegory to the "plot" being unchangeable.
    but i've also been holding out hope that... something will change. like i know this is a tragedy but i WANT things to get better for her. i really do.

    Mits July 3, 2024 6:07 am
    i get your criticisms, but i guess i always found the story compelling because it seems like she isn't actually able to make big decisions, just pulled along by some "plot" that other characters are pulled by j... Mits

    i also don't think an mc NEEDS to be likeable to be enjoyable. i can't imagine i would be very likeable under the same circumstances... idk.

    your nanny July 4, 2024 1:16 am
    i also don't think an mc NEEDS to be likeable to be enjoyable. i can't imagine i would be very likeable under the same circumstances... idk. Mits

    Yeah!! I really like this manhwa, bc it isn't that fantasy like about people's minds. I absolutely LOVE revenge ones, but let's be for real, no one would know/remember all that happened in their past lives, or have the mentality or hope to continue searching for a way out. She may have been "smart", more like, educated, but she is just a noble wallflower girl, not a detective.

    your nanny July 4, 2024 1:19 am

    I think that the phrase "do you think you are the only one miserable" was actually really good and a slap in the face, bc it shows that she is extremely in her own pity bubble, not looking outside of it. Not saying she (or we) should care about the others who made her suffer, but that looking for their perspectives may show her an answer of why everything is a mess.

    fatass July 4, 2024 9:58 pm

    i’m loving hearing everyone’s opinions <3

fatass July 2, 2024 1:03 am

hiii could i get some spoilers on the ending please?

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