oh my God i didnt even really think of anything about the vhs tapes until I read the comments theories, but heres my piece:
someone said that the letter mightve had jingi being sa’d as a child but I dont think thats the case.
I think it must’ve had some sort of cp to work as evidence AGAINST the uncle e.g maybe there were pictures of his vhs tapes.
Now that his mothers gone perhaps hes not inclined to cover for him as he might’ve done before. (Assuming that his mother was the one preventing it, after all its her brother.) I’m thinking this because it wouldnt make sense for Myeongil to feel disgusted and sick at jingi if he was the victim. -oh but not ruling out the theory that he was a victim, i think thats very possible too
But now myeongil seeing that without context is obviously going to get the wrong idea, and he being someone who has younger siblings would feel repulsed to even imagine someone he’d been so intimate with has things like that.
this was lowkey hott…