For once I'm on Cole's side. Even though *as usual* he cannot communicate his thoughts and feelings he isn't wrong.
I would also feel strange if my partner of who I cannot give children to would not only donate his sperm but also want to be involved with said child? I think that's going too far especially when you are in a relationship. This is an important matter that concerns both parties. If Alex was single then sure go ahead but he is not. He should not be so ready to go ahead with the procedure and guilt trip his partner. Alex in this case is being irresponsible and immature. Cole is toxic and not able to convey his issues as always but still he isn't wrong!
I used to love this manga even though it was problematic since day one. But after the whole cheating situation I just can't get behind it. Such a huge turn off. And honestly the only thing they have going is sex anyway which you can get from other places. I don't see any genuine love between them so I don't even know why they are together at this point. For 3 years too? Insanity!
I hope they just break up, move on and never reconcile. That's the best thing for them in my opinion. We're going to have to wait and see I guess.

I'm on my period so the timing was awful, I cried buckets. It was sad but sweet. I'm glad everything was kept platonic and pure, would have been nasty otherwise. Definitely didn't expect this kind of work from Harada, pleasantly surprised. This was perfect!
Also random 2am thoughts, I'm so happy to be alive, I'm glad I never did anything bad to myself. This may just be a manga but it really made me reflect on my life and choices. I would never forgive myself if I made my family and friends suffer my loss in such a way. Happy to be alive ╥﹏╥

I hated that!
Where the fuck is this going? Not that this was ever a serious manga with genuine plot but what the hell?? I'm ok with smutty mangas but tentacle slime sex? Cheating? Peeping toms? What even is this! I was expecting some cool magic studying not slime rape. Wtf.
Also I hate that he feels pleasure from random things in general, what's so special about that giant dick anyways? He can get himself off with many other things apparently.
Idk not feeling this lately, it's getting worse and worse (⊙…⊙ )

That was adorable but if I could choose I would rather not have it included here since it's not part of the original story. Still loved it though so thanks x
Edit: I can see it was deleted after all, probably because the artist didn't approve.
I also wanted to add that if people really want to have fanart here then at least have the chapters marked properly so no one gets confused. Instead of chapter 201.1 for example just write fanart 1.1 or something like that.

I genuinely hated that? Lol!
My cringe meter went off the charts. The peeping Tom, the awkward masturbation and the snarky comments? I cannot take it I'm sorry lol. I can't take them seriously even for a sec.
Also for someone as possessive as the Titan he sure as hell was quick to fuck his bae in front of another in the name of science of course.
That was an interesting chapter to say the least, what a rollercoaster.

Was that the reason? I thought they just wanted to fully enjoy sex cause Kouichi is always kinda uncomfy with the *ahem* size. I don't recall a baby being mentioned.
I could reread but it's not one of those that I would like to do so. Some stories are OK to just read once.
Thanks for the input though x
Didn't the seme claim in earlier chapters that he doesn't enjoy sex when it's forced? Have I lost my marbles?? Am I imagining things? I'm pretty sure that's the case but too lazy to confirm.
WTF is going on here?? Who says that? And it's not even just a threat for his sake so he can eat, he has raped him before. Ew dude!