no way lol created a topic of Love Gym

all gays unite under scissoring

her freaky ass got her bare cooch out im cryin

no way lol created a topic of The couple breaker

finally she's starting to get a clue that her ass cannot compare where she can't even compete

no way lol created a topic of The couple breaker

that annoying ass cheating couple is pissing me off "oppa im here" girl u are embarrassing urself... and that glasses bitch wtv his name is is such a dirty lowlife dog they need to get bood of the show by fans

lesbians topping it off LETS GO LESBIAN GAY SOLIDARITY!!!

no way lol created a topic of The couple breaker

bless up for the lesbian 2nd couple wouldn't have continued without you

no way lol created a topic of The couple breaker

why the hell did he just go into her house???

no way lol created a topic of The couple breaker

girl had every opportunity to get medical help and went to another girls bf jealousy is a real disease she needs to get treated immediately

no way lol created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

so theyre both js jumping to conclusions

no way lol created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

if his ass don't clear up this misunderstanding AT LEAST FOR HIS FRIEND WHO WAS THERE FOR HIM and this flashback better wrap up QUICK too

no way lol created a topic of Stranger Than Friends

side story for uhm ji and the mom when

IT WAS GOING SO WELL OMG.... istg if the friend doesn't clear up this misunderstanding.......