IDCcallmewhatever May 21, 2021 1:38 am


IDCcallmewhatever May 19, 2021 10:27 am

That part where they broke up, I understand it was supposed to be sad but personally for me, I felt like it was the best decision, like I know he chose law school for him, but his partner should have let him go, especially after *8* years of him being miserable to the point of having to need meds for anxiety.

Like trying it out is good, but after a few years knowing that it's dragging you down, you should know when to quit Yool! And his partner was selfish too, clearly saw what being in Law school did to Yool and let him continue for like 8 years- Isn't the saying "if you love him let him go" there for a reason???! (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

IDCcallmewhatever May 19, 2021 10:26 am

He better not have really ran awayyyyyy, he better come back and give my himbo a proper goodbye at least if he did T^T!!

Also remember how they said his singing voice is good, and that Yechan won a competition before, I hope he sings for Yool one day, maybe even to one of his songs too, it would be so sweetttt (≧∀≦)

IDCcallmewhatever December 8, 2020 12:05 pm

Like I’m on team Hwi too but they aren’t exclusive yet and everyone should have the freedom to date whoever they want if they don’t have a partner, that’s the point of dates/hookups like to see whether you’re compatible or not XD??

Like so far Han hasn’t done much to be this hated, yea he slept around but he legit wasn’t dating anyone so it’s not like he was cheating not all relationships have to last long

Like until Han does something actually worth faulting for, Param’s decision is his own choice end of discussion.

(Also the shady vibes we get from Han are so far just vibes, and they are also in the perspective of either Han himself or other characters so you can’t blame Param for being a bit ignorant because he legit doesn’t know anything that is the readers know TwT)

IDCcallmewhatever November 13, 2020 12:24 pm

Consent is so sexy sometimes

IDCcallmewhatever November 3, 2020 11:20 am


I always say this but imma say it again, why have a love triangle when the MC has *two* handssss, let him have bothhhh ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

IDCcallmewhatever October 28, 2020 1:07 pm

Honestly, I don’t mind either of them (because they both have slight asshole personalities and I like that in fiction XD)

I binged the whole thing today and the whole time I was screaming “LET HIM HAVE BOTH HE HAS *TWO* HANDS”

Like please the guy deserves two partners after all the deprivation he’s been through (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

IDCcallmewhatever October 16, 2020 12:25 pm

Everyone raving on how Junwoo didn’t do anything wrong when he kinda lowkey did tho lmao

Like I understand everyone is rooting for him and all but like all the other guys have been fairly competing and collecting stickers for days just to be the first one to eat Dongha’s blood and he legit only has one

Like Dongha is specifically put in there house to be like some type of blood donor by that nice uncle for the other dudes, so him eating Dongha’s blood just like that kinda just wasted literally everyone else’s effort in a snap XD

And it looks like he didn’t even tell the others so I presume the sticker thing is just gonna prolong which is pointless since none of them are gonna be first

Like unless he suddenly has a change of heart and fesses up (he’s really shy so I don’t think so the whole reason he only has one sticker is because he was flustered) and let’s everyone just drink/eat Dongha’s blood freely (which is literally his job of being there in return for free rent and stuff) then even if it’s unintentional it is literally Junwoo’s fault

    Kin October 16, 2020 12:28 pm

    seonjae's "was it a terminal illness, it was just a cold, right?" hits the point home I think

    Marie || nini <3 October 16, 2020 1:19 pm

    i get what you’re saying, but at the end of the day it’s dongha’s blood and he’s free to do whatever he wants with it. obviously this could upset the others cause they’ve been working hard but they’re kinda lucky to even have the opportunity to begin with lol. juwon is responsible for his choices but he isn’t responsible for the ones dongha made.

IDCcallmewhatever October 3, 2020 2:45 am

He has two hands guys, let him have both

IDCcallmewhatever September 22, 2020 10:17 am

If you’re in the comments just to say “I’m not going to support this comic anymore!! Because the artist is a shotacon!!”

Then first of all, nobody cares if you drop it dude, just drop it nobody knows you, so you don’t have to tell the world if you’re dropping a comic XD??

Second of all, you weren’t supporting it in the first place because you’re on mangago reading it for free ya dumbass

Thirdly, yes fiction affects reality but not on a 1:1 basis. Just because you draw/write something in fiction doesn’t mean you want to do it in real life, like violence in video games or how some people think anime dudes who smoke are hot but hate people who smoke irl

The monkey see monkey do concept is fake because you are living proof that it’s fake, you know about shotas and lolis but you don’t think fucking kids is normal right? Based on science the thought process of “If I see or read or make a lot of it equals it’s correct/normalised” is something you only have as a toddler. If you had been raised correctly with morals then you won’t have this problem

    Antiaagingcream September 22, 2020 10:24 am

    Just say stfu no one cares cuz like why tf you writing so much bro

    Fuggy September 22, 2020 7:27 pm
    Just say stfu no one cares cuz like why tf you writing so much bro Antiaagingcream

    Deadass but also he clearly cared since he wrote an essay so he can’t say that

    Meow September 23, 2020 2:28 am
    Just say stfu no one cares cuz like why tf you writing so much bro Antiaagingcream

    Bro chill outtt, manz just starting the facts, don’t attack him for caring smh

    Cate September 23, 2020 2:39 am
    Just say stfu no one cares cuz like why tf you writing so much bro Antiaagingcream

    He’s just spitting facts, why you so mad? Because you’re one of those irrelevant people who say that they’re gonna drop the comic?

    Cate September 23, 2020 2:42 am
    He’s just spitting facts, why you so mad? Because you’re one of those irrelevant people who say that they’re gonna drop the comic? Cate

    Sorry, I didn’t mean to say irrelevant, my bad, you’re just one of those people

    Antiaagingcream September 23, 2020 4:17 am
    Bro chill outtt, manz just starting the facts, don’t attack him for caring smh Meow

    I'm pretty chill lol idk what you're talking about but sure

    Antiaagingcream September 23, 2020 4:18 am
    He’s just spitting facts, why you so mad? Because you’re one of those irrelevant people who say that they’re gonna drop the comic? Cate

    btw I could care less if you're dropping the comic just wanna know why the dude writing a whole ass essay on this

    Canah UwU September 23, 2020 4:32 am
    btw I could care less if you're dropping the comic just wanna know why the dude writing a whole ass essay on this Antiaagingcream

    Why do u care anyway? Just ignore it if its bother u
    And no one cares about u lol

    Antiaagingcream September 23, 2020 5:59 am
    Why do u care anyway? Just ignore it if its bother uAnd no one cares about u lol Canah UwU

    lol idk why you are mad I didn't say much and if anything, yeah no one cares you're dropping but tf was the essay for?

    Meow September 23, 2020 12:44 pm
    I'm pretty chill lol idk what you're talking about but sure Antiaagingcream

    I don’t even need to explain. If you don’t even why wat the fUCK is happening. Stfu in the first damn place smh. Dumb ass pullin words out of his ass just for the anarchy

    Meow September 23, 2020 12:50 pm
    I'm pretty chill lol idk what you're talking about but sure Antiaagingcream

    Oops, that was a bit aggressive lmao my bad. But uhm. Don’t get on the op’s case for typing out “a essays” it ain’t needed. (P.s. it’s not really an essay it’s more like a nicer looking paragraph)

    Canah UwU September 24, 2020 3:31 am
    Oops, that was a bit aggressive lmao my bad. But uhm. Don’t get on the op’s case for typing out “a essays” it ain’t needed. (P.s. it’s not really an essay it’s more like a nicer looking paragraph) Meow

    Ikr? This person who talks about essay gives me headache cuz he cant stfu

    Antiaagingcream September 24, 2020 4:59 am
    Ikr? This person who talks about essay gives me headache cuz he cant stfu Canah UwU

    idk why you guys are even mad at me lol the essay was clearly an exaggeration but it seems you couldn't figure that out lol
    she btw<3

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