Honestly everyone wants him to find out that she is cross dressing but I am enjoying so much that the ML firmly believes she is a guy.
This makes him so much more lovely that he js falling for her despite believing she is a he.
This is literally the point of the whole story. It's a given that he will like her once he finds out she is indeed a girl. It was stated that he is straight.
The interesting part of the story is to see how he is literally falling so hard for her despite believing she is a man. That's true love dude, you're the best

It could have been such a nice title, making her join the boys group, become friends with everyone, maybe even making the ML fall in love despite being a "guy" (in appearance ofc) but nah, apparently from the raws it appears he found out.
The thing is ofc he has to find out but it was soon in my opinion ( ̄へ ̄)

blocked me or dunno what they did to prevent me replying, I'll reply here because hell no, you can't go and say what you want and then do not let me give you a reply. Talking about maturity.
So directed to the user Tmsmyz here my reply:
I'm literally wasting my time here because you're clearly a person who doesn't know how to validate your point, since a moment before you ask me if I read attentively what the person said and when I choose a point as example to debate, I'm "cherry picking".
You want me to pay attention to the details? Then I will, and I already know it will be completely useless but I'll do it anyway so that you learn you shouldn't question about what other people say. If you believe about this Tora person being a rape crisis counselor you should also believe I am a lawyer but I already understood you're the typical person that only believes not in what is objective but in what you want to believe.
"If read carefully. the story does not contain rape. Dan consented and non-consents many times. Consent can be given and taken away, not just once."
Dan, aka the uke, sometimes consents to the sexual act, it's true, but it's only due to a desperate situation where he needs money.
The seme knows that he needs money? Yeah. It's sexual harassment related to workplace.
It's the same as if you're hired as secretary and then being asked from your boss to indulge in sex for money. Ofc the secretary would accept: the offer comes from the boss. If the boss wants, they could fire them whenever they want. So the secretary will accept because she/he is in need of money and can't afford the risk or eventuality to lose the job.
Why do you think it's a crime if women get asked to sleep with their boss in change of money?
They are adult women they choose and give consent to that right? They even get paid so what is the point?
The point, my dear, is the environment.
You tell ME I don't pay attention to the details but probably it's most of you who are omitting to see some details and comparing them to real life events.
That said, I won't even waste more time proving my thesis. Because you accuse people to see what they want to see, but you are not different so there is no point.
And the person named Tora says that in the manwha there is no rape.
The rape, dear, starts from the moment Dan says "No, I don't want" even just once. Even AFTER giving a consent.
So please...spare me. Study the whole penal code before answering and if you find a valid, law recognized reason to contrast me, just write that down.
Until then, I won't pay attention to whatever reply I'll get.

FYI: You could had email me. Tora was the one that blocked yo. I didn’t block you. I find your triggered responses hilarious as they go against what we are saying. I told you to go on.
Did you think about trying to email me or do you like to stir unnecessary drama. There is no rape in this story. At the end of chapter 3 is it rape but chapter 4 changed it. Dan consented again. It is not rape then. We read the story and all its details. You are overdramatic and lying about the story. “I don’t want to”is a thought bubble. Learn more about consent and how to treat people better. Learn how to communicate better with people. A lawyer would know how to communicate with people and not be pushing a pov down people throws. A lawyer would not be insecure to treat others like this either. A lawyer wouldn’t make a comment like that. The seme does not know he needs the money. This is not Kishidou Club Bangaihen. Grow up please.

First: why emailing you when our discussion started publically?
The user Tora blocked me (not even replying and giving me a professional reply so that we could have a professional confrontation) and it publically looked like I didn't have proofs or reason to reply. So no, I have no reason to email you privately.
The discussion started on the comment section and will remain here so that everyone can read and judge by themselves.
I am not with a client, where I am bonded to the professional secret. I don't know what idea you have about lawyers, but let me tell you: the real lawyers aren't the ones you see from tv series like Law and Order or similars. But I doubt you know about it so it's wasted time.
And, are you sure you read the manga properly? Because I clearly remember at chapter 7/8 Dan saying "I said to stop!" and even punching the seme.
And I doubt he hitted him just because he wanted to practice boxing. How do you interpret it?
And before you tell me "but in chapter 8 after he hit him, he is worried about what he did and let him continue", and I tell you that his reaction is correlated to the worry of hitting his boss (potentially a reason to be fired) and his letting him continue it's due to the same reason. You ever read of implicit threatening due to someone's position or consequences?
Plus you didn't even answer to the sexual harrasment related to workplace, so I assume you're sane enough to recognise the similar actions.
I think you definitely need a good person to talk about. Because if you don't see "not consent" and the "intimidating forcing onto someone" in that scene, you have serious problems.
And with this I finish it. I don't have reasons to keep arguing with someone who closes their eyes in front of clear crimes attitudes and defends them just because they want to, expecting me to just shut up and accepting them.

But I don't even do it for the user per se, but for other users, maybe even minors or underage, who still don't know how the world works and reading this story they could think a relationship like this is ok and safe.
So what I say is, ok you like reading this? You're free to enjoy what you want but at least a normal and mature person shouldn't normalise or denying abuse, sexual harassment or even rape when they see it.
It's dangerously misleading.

Not to air dry laundry or maybe if you wanted to talk professional than give professional replies. To email privately would had been professional and shows you have more self-respect. It would showed you genuine had intentions of a conversation. He blocked you for the irrational and disrespectful comments to him and his post. Your comments contradicted what he said and was condescending. There was nothing professional or genuinely trying to understand. It was imposing your pov and opinions.
My brother is a lawyer and has many friends who are lawyers. My brother and his friends are real lawyers and I know the difference between a real lawyer and some one pretending. If so, you being a “lawyer” has no leverage here.
And, are you sure you read the manhwa* properly?
I skimmed your post. It was irrational and triggered. I don’t see it but how you are writing it is clear this is not a real conversation. You have not asked us to explain or have a conversation with you. You are just attacking us and not reading what is said.
Now you are demonizing me. It is now “see rape or you have serious problems and not a good person.”
You are forcing me into your pov. I am not forcing you into “it is not rape.”
You have attacked us. You have demonizing me to being a bad person when you can’t control your behavior. Now you are forcing me into your pov or have something wrong with me. You are talking about yourself. That is the real problem here.
It is not pov vs pov. It is being forced into a pov or something is wrong with you by the cyber bullies/trolls. This is horrible and just plain sick.

Now your brother is a lawyer haha. It's hilarious. Now let me guess, next your mom will be a country president and your dad is probably a judge right?
If that was the case you would have told me earlier. But you're clearly so FAR from law field that you don't even reply me with law statements. No...you don't even reply because there is simply nothing to reply.
And I am wasting my time with a liar kid.
Do yourself a favor and stop replying.

I don’t make it a habit to share personal information online. Why do you think personal attacks help here? Why would I use his knowledge. I am not the lawyer. There is something to reply or your reply would not fill with lies and tell me you felt threatened by me knowing a lawyer. I am not you, kid. Take your own advice and accept there are other POVs than your own pov.

Then let me talk with your bro kid.
Use his and his 100 lawyers friends "supposed" but clearly invented knowledge to reply. I do not care I can reply to whatever you want.
Call him, send him a message, pay a real lawyer to get a consultation and let's see what'll happen.
I only know that I stated real law-related points. You with your supposed brother lawyer no.
And until you'll give me some, it's pretty clear who between us is the liar.
Bring it on.
But this time with real law related statements.
I won't reply to anything else.

tmssysyz!! yo! yo! what if you just killed yourself all of a sudden!!? stfu. also girlie lostris babes just ignore that rape defender, they are begging for it now asking like a wettie yk, fr some weirdo, they keep on checking jinx in particular to give their unasked opinion when someone says it aint rape!! newsflash for you babes tmsmtmst goofy ass name shit god damn, ITS RAPE!!! theyve blocked me anyways and so has their alts but yeah, let them talk w themselves - theyll feel humiliation for tryna seek attention

I wrote this and it didn’t post. Now I have to write it again. What made it not post? I wonder what a “lawyer” would say to that.
Yup. They misused rape defenders because that is them. Rape defenders don’t define us. Rape is their pov. No one is begging for anything here but them or this would had been over days ago.
Let’s talk about that. That would led taking down this site. HELPMELMAO in jail. The uploaders could face charges.
So HELPMELMAO loses freedom and this site. Then what if it is made clear if not rape. All they had to do was to stop harassing people and accept there are many POVs than their own precious rape pov that they are disgusting defending by harassing others and forcing on others. https://www.stompoutbullying.org/blog/tell-someone-kill-themselves-and-you-could-end-jail

Someone gets slapped in the face
Them: That is your pov that he got slapped! You are slap defenders!
How can someone be this stupid? You go around writing long ass novels, not even with one sentence grammatically correct, to people who say this is rape and how it’s romanticised. Get help bestie. You need it.

You are talking about yourself. I don’t need help. I can accept other POV. You can’t. Take your own advice.
Attacks on grammar:
“This is a trick used by debaters when they are losing an argument. The intention is to discredit what the opposition says (grammar, wordage) ... in the hope that the audience will then discredit the arguments that the opposition puts forward.”

when the truth hurts, here comes lies and insults trying to hurt the other person but exposes the person that writes that to be a nasty person who can’t handle
Theirselves. They lie about who is stalking who. They call me sweetie which is unwanted and harassing as their other profile does. They gave me advice they need for themselves. I have a life and a job. The petty insults reflects bad on them. They are being a toxic person with gaslighting and lies because I don’t want to be forced into their false beliefs on a story. Talk about wanting to be willfully ignorant. What a pathetic reply trying to control another person.

It's because I want to see the seme being deeply hurt just like he is hurting the uke. AND I hope to see more of Potato because he is a cinnamon roll.
I absolutely hate the seme, he is the worst species of human being and no matter how sweet he'll become in the future, in my opinion nothing will make amend for what he did to the uke before.
So yeah if someone is gonna ask me "why you're reading it if you don't like it" just know that my only reason to keep reading this shit is: revenge (hopefully) and a relationship for potato.
That's it.
People keep comparing the situation in Jinx to what happened to BJ Alex, but gosh, things were definitely different there.
Sure, Alex was a little cold and sometimes rude but the real negative reaction he had was when the uke (sorry I don't remember the name) got drunk and barged into the room he was having a live streaming, which was really important for him and anyway he had set boundaries clear from the start. So yeah, he went through a redemption arc but there was something to redeem there and Alex's behaviour could be someway justified even if we didn't know his tragic past.
But here? This jerk treats Dan shit 70% of times and the other 30% just like a mere sex toy.
No redemption arch can save him.
I think they are comparing not because the characters are the same, but because the plot is following a similar path. Obviously the details aren’t exactly the same, but there’s a LOT of similarities to be found.
It’s just BJ Alex, but “let’s see how toxic the seme could go”
Nothing wrong with it being similar. Tropes exist for a reason.
Of course not, I am referring to some people commenting things like "This is similar to BJ Alex. Even in that manwha the seme was toxiv but none complained so much about it".
And mine was an attempt to explain why BJ alex even if apparently similar, is still different.
Ahh okayy