I sooo close just this = FUCKING close to commit a murder i mean not the author..........tempting but not yet the crown prince im about this = this close to killing him i mean HE IS SOOOOOO GOD DAMN STUPID!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡ CAN'T HE!!!!! SEE FL HAS GIVE UP HER LOVE NOW SHE FINALLY GET OVER U NOW U WANT HER IS HE A STUPID!!!!!!! OH BOY WHO THE FUCK WANT THAT HUH! HUH!!!!! guys the feelings of human are NOT A GOD DAMN TOY it's not something u should toying with in the very first place it's not something that "oh she giving me her love let's not pay attention to her" then suddenly when she SHE stop loving u then u just " oh she doesn't love me anymore let's love her" WHT IS WRONG WITH HIM!!!!!! IM SO ANNOYED BUT I WANT TO SEE HER ENDING I WANT TO.HER.TO.BE.GOD.FUCKING.HAPPY!!!!!!! I SWEAR TO GOD IF SHE END UP WITH THAT MOTHERF@CK!NG CROWN PRINCE START HIDDING AUTHOR WERE GOING TO HAVEEEEEEE A LONGGGGGG TALK