Hi guys :3
I've been like tearing myself apart for a long time now. I desperately need advice! I met "Jayce" my 2nd year of high school, we became friends and quickly got very close. We survived the fallout of a toxic friend group and we bonded over interests and childhoods and whatnot. However, during our 3rd year of highschool we grew even closer together as he was by my side when my mom developed terminal cancer. During this vulnerable time he and I kissed and while I initially rejected a real relationship, he insisted that we were already practically a couple and dating wouldn't be thay different. I wasn't happy during the relationship, I tried to break up with him every time we had an argument (basically every month lol) and i eventually broke up w him after a year and a half of dating. During the time we dated he became kind of obsessive and that caused me to feel trapped and I made some terrible decisions. I had a close friend who I was very open with that I wasn't in love with him, I actually had a thinh for his friend (i know, I know, I'm a terrible person!) And Jayce found out by reading my messages with my friend and I. The problem here is that despite the fact that I broke up with him in July, it's December and he still calls me his wife and his love and honey and whatnot. I feel bad, I want to set boundaries so badly but he's the type of person to beg you not to leave him. He's never had a real friend last more than a couple of months (that's one of the reasons he and I bonded because we both felt like outcasts.) He constantly talks about having kids and moving in together and getting married but i just can't bring myself to cut him completely out of my life. I've met his family, they know me by name, I have a key to their house !!! I feel like I'm so far into this lie that I can't possibly find a way out of this other than marrying him and divorcing him a year into it. I am not happy with him, we have different life goals, different ambitions, different work ethics, we might have good chemistry as friends but we just don't work out as a couple and I'm just afraid we don't have a real future together. The more and more I think about it, the more im okay just with just settling in and marrying him but we're just so different. I need help !!! How do I detach from him ?? What do i even do?
I’m sorry I’m really sorry but all I can picture is Jayce from arcane honestly no matter how scary or hard it may seem, its just best to get over with it and tell the truth that you don’t want to be together anymore, if you don’t, you could start feeling so repressed and unhappy that you become depressed and then mental health decline and… you probably don’t want that, so I suggest just doing what you have to and get away from him.
Ridiculous chapter bru u gmfu