READ MY WHOLE COMMENT BEFORE GOING ON AN ALL OUT FLAME WAR. I think we need a bit of nuance in this discussion. It's pretty obvious why pedos are hated - there are many child sex offenders and people are rightly angry that vile people hurt one of the most vulnerable groups of people. But my opinion is that we shouldn't hate on all pedophiles im......
HELL NO!! I would just end up a serial killer, targeting all those fucken' alphas. Die you piece of trash!
I've been doing online school since 7th grade now (I'm going to be finishing up my 10th grade year here) and I guess I can try to help. 1. Unfortunately online school requires a lot of self- motivation. I can typically keep up with my work but my teachers can tell I'm in a funk cause I have 23 overdues.....( ̄∇ ̄") fuck honors biology. 2. Creat......
Opinions on shota-pedo lovers