get Taku~ on there edit: ok (GO TF TO SLEEP) (Dylan_D21) (sof) (Thug life) (Rainy)
my friend accidentally kicked my leg at the lunch table and i moaned, i thought they’d all ignore it but they didn’t. They all stared at me and i had to just apologise and be like "ahah, why did that sound so weird" and aggressively rub my ankle to pretend i was in pain.
I might make my own post for this later. But here’s a little thread for now. So for months the author, YD, has been cracking down on illegal sites and trying to stop distribution of her webtoon. Which is she is 100% entitled to do. Sometime after the end of season 1, the original uploder had dropped Blind Play for this reason. The current upload......

i myself have a cnc (consensual non consent) k*nk that developed from experiencing s3xual ab*se as a child and i kind of understand where you're coming from but really, rape is NOT okay. at all. someone "controlling you" can simply be dom/sub or as i said, cnc, but rape is definitely not just someone controlling you. you need to understand that you......
I stayed followed to that question cause it was funny watching heterosexuals getting worked up in the comments but a lot of the top/latest replies really are complete bullshit and a lot of you made yourselves look ridiculous. You first have straight cucks whining “w-www-well, if we can f-fff-fetishize MLM, t-tt-then they can f-fff-f-fetishize us......
Trans men are not a kink. They are human beings deserving of dignity and respect. They are not objects for you to fantasize over. Cis people, stop referring to trans and nonbinary people by their genitalia. Please have some fucking respect for us. Cuntboy is a derogatory term. It is not JUST used for fiction purposes. It's used to degrade actual tr......
Nope but fiction DOES affect reality. Fiction is also based on reality, up to some point. For example, if an artist does not know how a tree looks they will have to use an ACTUAL tree's image to draw a FICTIONAL one. The same thing applies to a child being drawn in a sexual way, the certain fictional child may not exist in reality but it is based o......
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