Im crying just knowing that she’ll die first and he’ll have to see her go like WHY CANT THEY BE TOGETHER FOREVER!? (´༎ρ༎`)
I’m ready to a mom. I want to adopt him and squish him until I die from a cuteness overdose
Someone spoil this for me bc HOW did he end up with Jerome?! You have to be joking with me
Why does this feel like one of those dark romance books that the booktok girls rave about? Idk if anyone knows what I’m talking about but it has like a similar plot to those books except it’s a manhwa.
Can’t the three of them just be together (◞‸◟)
I can’t with this love triangle, they’re all so cute.
Chinese Bl where the MC a teacher and ML is a student is/was in love with the ML’s dad and the ML found out (because of picture in mc’s wallet I think) and blackmailed MC into being in a relationship with him (don’t remember clearly what he was made into doing) I don’t remember much else besides that
This was not what I expected. I thought it was going to be cute but then it did a complete 180. I have been bamboozled.
It was a BL manga, and I only remember that the MC and ML were sitting down like on a bench talking (I think they were also eating) when some girls came up and started talking to the ML when then one of the girls told the MC what he was doing there and why was he listening to their convo this made the mc decide that it was best if he left and let them talk but before he did the ML stoped him before them going together, leaving the girls behind telling the girl that the MC was ML’s childhood friend.
Does anyone have recommendations for romance stories that have a lot of angst? I’ve been recommended some but most of them I have already read so I just want something that isn’t so commonly known
If you look very carefully in the background you see me throwing myself in a wood chipper. 10/10 but will not put myself through this pain again.
Can anyone help me find manhwas where couples are super obsessed with each other, or where one of them is obsessed with their lover. Like I’m talking crazy in love; Borderline insane.
Can anyone recommend me any similar stories to How to Get My Husband on My Side, I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story, and Under the Oak Tree?