I get why people are weirded or think that this is fucked, I do really but this literally had a warning at the very beginning of the fist chapter saying that this had non consensual sex so I don’t get why some people are in the comments complaining over what they just read and being mad about it’s like “Hellooo!” did you read the warning that was given at beginning of manhwa... and I do get how rape is rape but this is fictional and it doesn’t affect no one physically or emotionally if and I feel like if some people had read the warning well they would have a normal person would do like if your okay with what ur about to read then go on ahead and if they don’t like anything of what they had said in the warning then don’t read it and leave it alone and as a person who read this and was okay with what was given in the warning I know that what I’m reading are fictional stories but again that doesn’t mean that I’m okay with the idea of non consensual sex in the real world I’m not okay..no actually I hate the idea but the things is I know that the stories given in the manhwa are fictional with fictional characters and with a fictional plot so yh that’s it just wanted to clear of my chest...btw I’m not trying to be rude to anyone —v—

I was slightly uncomfortable when I started reading since she’s basically assaulting people, then I realized (didn’t read the summary XD ) that she’s a succubus demon and this is literally what they do. They’re druggy rapey demons, it’s in the job description, though usually in manga they assault them as they sleep. What do people think is gonna happen? It’s there as a major plot point and a warning (not really plot I guess). It’s not like it was a normal non-supernatural story about everyday life and she went and assaulted people (I’ve only read the first chapter though so...). I could understand critique about using it in the story, but non-con IS the story. Just weird porn lmao
Does any one have the raws, this is to good to be wasted (`_´)ゞ